#the amount of tests i did not study for is also a shit ton
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fujobritta · 10 months ago
okok because @constable-rohza asked . some stuff about my mq au (that goes with this fic !)
little note about making the au: because i know nothing about the california school system or just how school works in the united states in general i spent a while just very vaguely asking people i know in the us about how shit works there (i will never understand why elementary is 5 years and then middle is 3 and then high is 4 ??? here we have elementary for 6 and then junior high for 3 and then senior high for 3 . it makes so much more sense to me . anyways) like . why the fuck do freshman/sophomore/junior/senior exist . its just so insane . but i could talk about how much i hate america for days on end this is supposed about my au .
i write like most of the fic that goes with this au in class on folded sheets of a4 paper so heres some additional paraphrased notes that i found on those as well as some little fun facts ive been turning around in my head:
there this weird little timeline thing i spent like 30 minutes losing my mind over (i was incredibly tired and had nothing in my system but an adhd pill and a glass of milk and nothing was making sense to me) anyhow in that flashback at the start of the fic, as mentioned in the a/n at the end of the chapter, brad is 27 and david is 30 and they're sort-of-friends (brad doesn't want to call them friends but they are). jo at this time is 6 years old and david's ex-girlfriend kinda just stuck the kid with her . i had a bunch of backstory behind that but then i realized that i was probably never going to get into that so i just scrapped it . but it was the whole "you knocked me up before we broke up now i'm forcing you to take care of this kid because i don't give a shit anymore" thing and david is a pushover so he just took it . about 9 years later and like a month into the new school year, brad gets arrested . jo is 15 at this time, has to start school . he gets out on parole around two months before the school year ends .
jo's homeschooling wasn't really homeschooling, brad would just give her schoolwork with instructions and some teenager would sit there and babysit every day until brad got home early (made an arrangement to never have any classes to teach during the last period/block of the day) to cover anything she didn't understand . once she got old enough for brad and david to trust her at home alone (like 11-12ish) they stopped hiring a babysitter . she was about a year or two ahead in her studies when she starts at the high school brad and david work at so she breezes through most of her assignments and tests
before brad was a teacher he had some job in finance . what specifically ? nobody knows ! he never talks about his old job and just vaguely alludes to it because it creeps people out . all anyone knows about it is that he made a buttload of money from it . he decided to be a teacher for fun because he has a soft spot for kids and knows a ton of stuff
i wanted to stick fairly close with canon so no spoilers but the way brad got arrested was by covering for something jo did
when david was a kid he actually didn't have much interest in being a teacher, he wanted to be a firefighter and teaching was his plan b (one of his parents was a teacher) . he talks a weird amount about firefighters in the show and i wanted to incorporate it somehow :P also he forces his class to read brene brown
ok that's all for now because i still have to finish writing the fic and i may add some of the little details in my head into later chapters and i don't want to spoil too much !!!
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officerjennie · 4 years ago
May I ask for some Jaskier/Your Choice for 05. online lingerie shopping together with partner? Please.
I think this prompt is so cute! Went with Geraskier because I’ve been thinking about them a lot today ^^
CW: lingerie, porn mentioned (this story ain’t horny tho)
Wiggling about in the pillows that he’d arranged as a back rest against the headboard, Jaskier made himself quite comfortable, tugging up one of the many blankets to get cozy. His laptop ended up propped up on a pillow in his lap, forever attached to the wall since the built-in battery had given up on life roughly two weeks after he’d gotten it. By the time the bedroom door got pushed open Jaskier had already opened up several different tabs, perusing without his husband.
“Just set it on the table, dear, it’s too hot right now.” He looked up to beam up at Geralt, who had been ever such a dear and made him some chamomile tea - just the right sort of relaxing thing to help clear his mind after work. Geralt even did as he asked, drink coaster included since he’d learned after he’d placed a glass directly onto the wooden bedside table once before - Jaskier had practically wept at the thought of his grandmum’s heirloom staining with a water ring.
With a rather wry look, Geralt had reminded him that his ‘grandmum’s heirloom’ had been bought straight off amazon, and Jaskier hadn’t talked to him the rest of that night.
So, thankfully for both of them, he’d remembered both coasters this time, and even remembered to bring Jaskier something to nibble on. It earned him a firm smooch to his cheek as he made room for himself on the bed, reaching an arm around Jaskier to tug him close and rub affectionate little circles onto his hip with his thumb.
“..what are you looking at?”
Oh, right. Jaskier blinked, turning back to his laptop. “Right, yes. I had actually been thinking-”
“This is the most boring porn you’ve ever pulled up.”
“It’s not porn, Geralt, honestly! You know I talked to you about that- hey.” He pouted when he saw the hint of a smirk on Geralt’s lips. The bastard was teasing him. That earned him a light swat to one of his lovely thick thighs. “I was thinking about spicing up our love life in a different way, and wanted your opinion on it. Didn’t know what you liked. Well, if I’m honest, I’m not entirely sure what I like yet. There are so many options!”
“You don’t have the tits for that one,” Geralt drawled, nodding towards the lovely leather piece Jaskier had pulled up. It had been complete with crisscrossing leather straps (and had a lovely picture with other leathery suggestions in it, though it might be a bit too daring of them to jump that far into spiciness without testing the waters a bit first).
He pretended to be offended by that, gasping and putting one hand on his chest. “I’m wounded, Geralt, how could you?” After a second of staring at him blandly, Geralt leaned forward just long enough to peck the tip of his nose, making Jaskier scrunch it up and lose his faux offended expression. “Well...you’re not wrong. You do though.”
“You’re no fun.” He stuck his tongue out just a little, but he knew better than to leave it out. Not if he wanted a productive conversation - Geralt was known to bite.
“But, you are right. I’m not actually too fond of the thought of a brazier; they look wonderful on some but I’m not sure they would on me. Shame most of the pieces are made for more feminine bodies...” A real shame, really, though at least there were more options for him nowadays than there used to be. Most places even let you custom order as the norm instead of paying a shit ton extra for it.
He flipped through some of the tabs, watching Geralt through his periphery as he went through a few more options. Lots with crisscrossing straps, some with a delicious amount of lace (something Jaskier loves in theory more than in practice; it itched his skin something fierce), a lovely array of colors ranging from teal to red to a blue that Geralt even pointed out reminded him of Jaskier’s eyes, to the ever safe and secure black that would look good on anyone.
Not that Jaskier wanted something black. He might look good in it, but he yearned for colors. Let his dearest husband be the one who stuck to a monochrome closet, he would be a rainbow of fashion until his dying breath.
“Oh, but what about this one?” He pulled up an image of a cute piece in the google search, grinning at the aptly named ‘homosexual lingerie queer men’ piece. “Pink ribbon! You could untie me with your teeth instead of just ripping my pants off for once.”
Geralt gave one of his unimpressed hmms but his eyes darkened a little with interest, which made Jaskier quickly mark this particular pieces as a definite ‘Maybe’. Plus it would make his butt looks very cute and fuckable, with the ribbons tying around his plump little cheeks. Oof, what a confidence boost that would be.
And the ribbons around the front were an even better bonus. The thought of wearing it under his clothes out in public, for only him and Geralt to know, made him squirm a little - better to think about that later, after they’d decided on a piece or two.
“Not getting it?”
��I want options, dear heart, have you ever known me to only get one?” Plus that one, as beautiful as it was, was also 90% lace. He needed a non-lacey option.
Geralt pushed him forward a little, helping him rearrange as he moved behind him, propping his chin on Jaskier’s shoulder to peer over it while he held him. Jaskier leaned back into him and tilted his head to let Geralt get cozy, sighing as Geralt left a few very soft, unassuming kisses to his jawline and neck.
“Oh I just love the name of some of these.” Some of them were quite...cringy, borderline uncomfortably so, with the way they were named. But it didn’t stop him from checking out some of them, and one in particular really grabbed his interests. “Geralt! The sleeves! Oh I just love them, isn’t this such a unique piece?”
This one, Jaskier was simply in love with. Red velvet, a cute tummy piece that had velvet ties attaching it to some lacy straps that wound around the upper thighs. He clicked through the pictures, even adoring the small, velvety bra piece, the cute bow in front absolutely tickling his interest. But the upper body piece is what really drew him in, the puffy shoulder pieces and the short sleeves and the tight collar, a zip up back and the open chest part - the style really was unique when weighed against all the others they’d flipped through, and really, the bow that went right above the thong like straps for the bottom sold it for him.
“Do you like it?” He wiggled his hips as he tilted his head to look at Geralt, a hopeful sort of pout on his lips. “Oh, tell me you love it, I know you love red on me.”
“Looks good on you,” Geralt agreed, squeezing him all tight just because he could, really looking at the lingerie piece, studying it with a thoughtful frown. “Not bad. Probably feels nice.”
“Much nicer than the full lace pieces for sure, though the lacy edges might still itch. Lots of things to untie, a few clasps, even a zipper - would make stripping more interesting.”
“That’s why it’s called teasing, love, it’s supposed to be slow. Achingly so.”
Geralt nipped his neck, his eyes still on the laptop screen. “It...would suit you.”
“Really? You really think so?” He didn’t hide his giddy grin, not bothering saving this one for later, immediately adding it to his cart and checking out - Geralt had to rattle off their card information for him after he gave him a pitiful pout, whining over the thought of getting up and not being good enough with numbers to remember it all on his own.
With the order settled away, all Jaskier had left to do was pout over how long it would take to get there. Two to three weeks was entirely unfair and too far away. Geralt held him in his mourning, the laptop forgotten and tossed across the bed, Jaskier’s cheek squished against his husband’s glorious chest, their bed an absolute mess with the pillows crowded in their corner and the blanket almost pushed entirely off with how Jaskier was splayed across it. 
“It’s not fair,” he whined, just to feel Geralt’s fingers work their way through his hair.
“You’re a mess,” was his husband’s only response, but as Jaskier looked up at him with forced tears in his eyes he knew what Geralt had really meant: he was his mess.
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marmosa · 4 years ago
oi, is it hot in here?
Fred x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: none
A/N: my best friend came over yesterday and showed me a snippet of one of her george fics and then immediately hyped me up to write this one. girls and gays i present the aquamenti spell, enjoy ;) (this is so out of pocket, could you tell i was going thru it). also if anyone wants more george content please let me know, i’m a fred girl through and through, but i have no shame in showing some love to george <3
“Fred, just because we’re allowed to legally use magic now, doesn’t mean we’re legally obliged to,” [y/n] mumbled, flat out glaring at him as he pouted at her from across the library table, trying once again to convince her to duel with him.
“Just because we’re not required to, doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be tons of fun. Come on [y/n], you know just as well as I do that you’re dying to try out some new spells,” Fred pleaded, reaching across the table and pushing the book she was using to shield her face from his relentless puppy dog eyes down.
“Even so Weasley, you’re going to get yourself in a spot of trouble you’re not going to know how to get out of. Just because I play coy doesn’t mean I wouldn’t absolutely smoke your arse if we did duel,” she hummed surely, straightening her posture to emphasize her sudden breath of confidence.
“Win? I doubt that,” Fred shrugged, leaning back in his chair, a mischievous idea bubbling to the surface of his mind, “No, you’re not bold enough to win.”
“I- me? Not bold enough?” [y/n] sputtered, incredibly offended at his insinuation but still trying her best to stand her ground, “I know what you’re trying to do y’know and I know you’re also full of shit. You wouldn’t last a second against me.”  
Fred glanced over at her, a smartass look on his face, “I think I could last at least two seconds, maybe five, maybe six, maybe a million, but you’re too much of a stick in the mud to find out.”
“I’m not a stick in the mud, I’m just smart enough to not let myself get dragged into your chaos- as fun as it is sometimes,” [y/n] mumbled the last bit, trying not to inflate his ego anymore than he needed, despite feeling no shame in admitting that his antics were usually paired with an inescapable rush of adrenaline.
“Yeah, whatever you say sweetheart,” Fred rolled his eyes, missing the quick crack in [y/n]’s composure at the pet name that practically rolled off his tongue with ease, “just don’t come crying to me when you get bored one afternoon and need someone to duel.”
[y/n] furrowed her brows and felt her competitive need finally snap, “Listen here you dim-wit, if you want a duel so bad you’ll get a duel, but don't you come crying to me when I hand you your arse on a silver-lined platter.”
Fred sat up excitedly, tapping his fingers against the table, “See, there’s that competitive [y/n] I was hoping for. I appreciate the threat, but you might want to save that fire for the duel, you’re gonna need it.”
“You’re a twat, you know that?” [y/n] grumbled, crossing her arms and sinking back into her chair.
“Only for you,” Fred winked, a shit-eating grin plaster on his face, “see you at the dueling grounds.”
“Yeah, yeah, get out of here,” [y/n] waved him off, biting back a smile.
“Aha! So you showed up in the end,” Fred cheered, dashing over and scooping [y/n] up in his arms, swinging her from side to side as she hung on for dear life.
As soon as he set her down she glared up at him like he’d just forced her to ride the worlds most dangerous roller coaster, “just because I was reluctant, doesn’t mean I’m a downer. I’m always true to my word Freddie.”
“Ahh,” He hummed low, crossing his arms and shrugging, tapping his chin inquisitively, “I suppose so. But what about that one time when you promised me that we’d go up to the tower and then you bailed-,”
“I had a potions exam to study for and my brain felt like it was melting, don’t you dare turn one on me. Last time I checked you were the one who bailed on me when we planned to go rob Filch of his-,” [y/n] started but was cut off when Fred pressed one of his hands against her mouth, shushing her with the other.
“You don’t want anyone to hear do you? That could get us in an enormous amount of trOUBLE- EW!” Fred hacked and jumped backwards, wiping his hand furiously against his jeans, “you’re a sick, sick woman.”
[y/n] grinned triumphantly, wiggling her eyebrows at his disgusted expression, “don’t lie, you loved it. Now come on, we came to duel, didn’t we?”
“You’re really testing my patience, [y/l/n],” Fred chuckled lowly, “but you’re right, get into position so I can completely ruin you.”
“I’d like to see you try,” [y/n] hummed, winking at Fred as she shuffled into her spot, drawing her wand and bobbing it in her hand.
The duel began and the two made no waste of time jumping at each other, throwing charm after hex at one another, testing out every single spell in their arsenal (well the one’s that wouldn’t painfully injure or kill either of them anyway). It was electric, the wild passion for their craft buzzing excitedly behind their eyes, present in the way they danced around each other, avoiding spells and quickly returning them.
[y/n] felt a laugh bubble out of her chest when Fred disarmed her, dashing off to retrieve her tool, ducking as he fired another spell right over the top of her head. Fred couldn’t help but follow suit in laughter as she turned around and flung a disarming spell of her own, managing to hit him and send his wand flying farther away than he probably would’ve liked.
“Come on now, [y/n], you wouldn’t harm a totally helpless boy,” Fred pleaded teasingly, inching to the side while trying to maintain eye-contact with her, mostly for his own safety than showmanship.
“I told you when we started this Weasley, I wasn’t going to go easy on you,” [y/n] called out, jerking out her arm, “Aquamenti!”
Water sprung forth from her wand, shooting directly at Fred and knocking him clean to the floor, positively soaking him from head to toe. He sat up immediately, his mouth hanging open in shock, still processing what entirely had just happened.
“I won,” [y/n] muttered, cheer surging through her in unexpected waves, “I won!”
“Shut up!” Fred groaned from his spot on the floor, pushing himself up off the floor, the cold slowly but surely seeping into his bones, “I don’t wanna hear it.”
[y/n] bit back a smug grin, crossing her arms across her chest and tipping her head back as if she had just won a crown far too heavy for her head, “Sorry, what was that about me losing?”
Fred glared back at her, his narrowed eyes nearly on the brink of being completely shut, “Shut. Up,” he repeated, enunciating his pauses.
“Aww, is someone sad with the outcome,” [y/n] cooed, spinning around to face him as soon as she had retrieved his wand, her triumphant spirit being shoved aside as a more uncomfortable emotion took hold.
“Shut up and hand me my wand ya git,” Fred mumbled, snatching his wand back from her, “we get it, you won.”
[y/n] couldn’t help the heat that was crawling up her neck, suddenly hyperaware of the situation she was currently in. Why’d she chose that spell? Why’d she chose that spell in this random room, away from others, when he was wearing a crisp white dress shirt that was now clinging to him like a second skin- god she could see so much.
Fred glanced over at her with creased brows, confused at the sudden spot of silence, wondering what had gotten little miss triumphant to go so quiet. When he saw her shuffling through her book bag, an amused little smile wormed its way onto his face- oh he was going to have fun with this.
“Why so quiet all of a sudden, sweetheart?” Fred drawled, biting back a grin at the way she tensed her shoulders.
“No particular reason, just felt bad about rubbing in my victory s’all,” [y/n] replied, still shuffling through her bag for a, uh, pack of gum she could have sworn she had had earlier.
“You? Feel bad? About a dueling victory against me? Sounds like a lot of rubbish to me,” He shook his head, grabbing her shoulder and tugging her to her feet, “There’s something else.”
[y/n]’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, straining to avoid glancing down at his toned chest, “There is absolutely nothing else. Scout’s honor.”
Fred sported a smug grin as he leaned down to be eye level with her, his eyes raking over her face, noting her balled up fists shaking at her sides and her abnormally wide eyes, “Are you sure, you look awfully tense.”  
“I’m not tense,” she waved him off, feeling near the verge of combustion trying to control herself. It didn’t particularly help that he was staring at her like that while her mind raced through the hundreds of ways this interaction could go, her heart hammering in her chest at the suggestiveness of her thoughts.
“Come on, you can tell me, I won’t say anything out of line,” he bargained, trying his best to coax her out of whatever dumb act she was playing at.
“Again, I am completely fine,” she reassured him, rocking on the balls of her feet, trying to subtly put some space between them.
“I’m not so sure that’s true,” Fred lilted, titling his head to the side slightly, “what, is something about me bothering you?”
[y/n] felt her stomach drop, so he did know, of course he knew, she wasn’t particularly inconspicuous about her dilemma, but she refused to let up now, “There is nothing about you that’s bothering me, Freddie.”
“Oh, so what I’m hearing is that you like what you see?” he teased, darting his tongue out to wet his lips.
“I-wait, now hold a minute-,” she began only to lose her voice as he backed her into one of the many pillars in that room, her palms pressing flat against the cool stone.
“See, I still don’t quite believe you,” he whispered, pressing his forearm over her head, placing the other on his hip as the water he’d been drenched in had practically sealed his pockets shut.
“And why not?” [y/n] struggled to maintain her composure, her resolve diminishing by the second.
“Because someone who’d didn’t like the view wouldn’t be staring at it so plainly,” He concluded, shamelessly eyeing her up and down.
[y/n] didn’t know if she wanted to curl up into a ball and die or yank him down by his collar and let him absolutely ravish her then and there, her mind was too clouded to pick one. Luckily, Fred seemed to be significantly more level-headed than she currently, which meant he made no waste of time taking the reigns of the situation.
“So, what if I did agree with you what then,” [y/n] muttered, looking down at her shoes, trying her best to avoid his piercing gaze.
“I’d say that you’re in luck because,” he placed his hand under her chin and tipped it back upwards, forcing her to look at him, “I’m enjoying my view just as much.”
“Well then, what’re you gonna do about it?” she quipped, shamelessly darting her eyes between his eyes and lips.
“I’d say kiss you, but only if you want it,” he replied, moving his hand up to cup her cheek.
“I do. I do want it, please Fred,” she pleaded, not even caring if she sounded desperate anymore, throwing her pride to the wind.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
Fred leaned down and captured her lips in a heated kiss, his hand finding its way to the small of her back, pressing her off the pillar and into him. It quickly became something desperate, longing, all their pent up tension finally spilling out of their overfilled cup. [y/n] felt up his chest, smiling to herself as she concluded that it did feel as nice as it looked.
He made quick work of hoisting her up, linking his arms under her thighs and pressing her back against the wall, relishing in finally being able to touch her the way he so desperately wanted to for all those years. She did the same, tangling her fingers into the wet hairs at the nape of his neck, basking in the warmth coming from him despite his soaking wet clothing.
“Do you want to stop?” Fred asked softly, pressing a few soft kisses to her jaw and neck, “we don’t have to go any further.”
“As lovely as continuing sounds,” she breathed, smoothing his hair out of his face, “I don’t think we’re geared for that right now. And you need to get changed of those clothes before you catch a cold.”
“Good lord you sound like my mother,” Fred groaned, knocking his forehead on her shoulder.
“Did you really just bring up your mother right now,” [y/n] asked incredulously, wiggling her way out of his grip and back onto her own two feet, “that’s weird man.”
“I wouldn’t have if you didn’t bring up my need of a change of clothes!” Fred exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air to emphasize his point, “Besides, who’s fault is that?”
“Someone stupid probably,” [y/n] shrugged, picking up her robes and tossing them square at him, “wear those so you don’t get colder, if someone asks, you took a dip in the lake.”
“That’s even more unbelievable than just telling someone straight up what we were doing,” Fred replied, flat out, pulling on the robes that we’re obviously too short for him.
“Well too bad, loser of the duel has to follow the winner’s rules,” [y/n] shrugged, offering him a smug smile.
“Can we go back to a couple minutes ago when I’d managed to shut you up?” Fred quipped, crossing his arms as he pouted at her.
“Nope, no can do, you kissed me Weasley which means I have nothing more to be embarrassed about,” [y/n] sang, taking his hands and swinging them along with hers.
“Well I take it back!”
“Please no,” she frowned, sinking her shoulders.
Fred sighed and pulled her into a hug, his words muffled against her hair as he mumbled softly, “I could never say no to that face.”  
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blitheringmcgonagall · 4 years ago
i'm feeling god in this chili's tonight bc of your ask to petals about your husband, feeling truly emo and very very moved you are an inspiration, can you talk about your love more if you are comfortable?
Aaaah that’s sweet, thank you! There isn’t anything extraordinary to tell really, this is going to be very boring! We met in university, were friends for about a year (I was about 18 when we met) before we started dating (actually I thought he was a big headed idiot at the very start, because he wore designer stuff at the time, etc. I was right, btw, he was an idiot, I stand by it 😂!) and have been together ever since.
We were the first of our friends to get married which was a bit scary I suppose but I’m so glad we did. I think we suit each other, opposites attract etc. He’s a bit of an introvert and has a tendency to be tetchy/grumpy but he’s very kind, has a good sense of humour and always apologises and admits when he’s wrong (which is one of my absolute favourite things about him) and is very brave in real life emergencies. He kind of gives me Remus vibes? I’m ridiculously positive and optimistic most of the time but I sometimes lose my temper, or tell it like it is, I’m usually relaxed and laid back, and I think that works for us. I also always do the boring paperwork, book holidays etc which he is infinitely grateful for, and he now he does most of the cooking, which I’m infinitely grateful for in my turn. He’s also good at sewing, not joking, which I’m shit at. Who knew??
We both read a ridiculous amount and it really pisses him off how much faster I read... I love pissing him off. He’s scarily clever. The kind of person who knows obscure random facts and knows loads of the answers to University Challenge???? Ridiculous. Very attractive too, IMO? So, before we started going out, when we were “mates”, I told him I was shit at physics, as it was true, I hadn’t done it before university, and he offered to tutor me... I mean obviously I said yes? But we were just friends. Yeah. That’s all. A Nice friend who happened to have beautiful forearms and hands and biceps and went to the gym a few times a week. And had gorgeous blue eyes and cute soft, ash coloured hair and yeah. And gives you crossbars home on his bike (there was only one bike 😱😂😂😂!!! Well mine was initially stolen and then conveniently forgot to rush out and buy a replacement ....!) Anyway, he is an excellent teacher (he works in a job related to teaching now) and I genuinely learnt lots when I wasn’t ogling, ahem. And I ended up getting better marks than him in the physics exam.... 😬😂!! He was super pissed off (I mean a mix of that and super impressed. What can I say??? Poor chap!!). My friends were so embarrassing btw, kept trying to set us up, awkward af... literally walked out and left us in one of their flats (locked us in there!!) so we would “hurry up and snog”... 🤦‍♀️! We were too cringed (babies!) then we did get together eventually (like eventually, everyone face palming thank Merlin etc)... also, we did sit near each other in the library in college, but not right next to each other as I would literally get zero study done 🙄🤷‍♀️? Don’t blame me. (PS I had disgusting, mad, unruly, thick hair, ugly glasses and hardly ever bothered wearing my lenses, and wore a horrendous orange cycling helmet and despite that, and a ton of mad Italian relatives who asked too many questions and are way too pass- remarkable, he still liked me. So I knew I was onto a winner.)
Things are not always perfect. Not that this is an advice piece, but I definitely recommend talking if you’re not happy about something. Say what the problem is, how it makes you feel, what you’d like them to do differently, maybe volunteer to do something better yourself too? Don’t get grumpy and expect the other person to know what they’re doing wrong/ what’s annoying you! And always try to respect their POV even if your initial thought is “what a load of crap”, often I change my mind or at least reach a compromise after listening to his side.
And it’s not that I don’t sometimes still get the shivers looking at him, especially if he comes in wearing a tux on a special occasion. And he sometimes says “I saw this woman walking towards me and thought she looks gorgeous and then I realised it was you” 🤦‍♀️😂 (I think he needs his eyes tested). And like I said, after being with someone so long, it’s what someone described as - your heart rate no longer speeds up every time you see them, it calms down. And when you’re with them, you feel warm and secure and home. You have insider jokes that only you two get, you have quotes from films for particular situations, you call each other ridiculous names (I won’t tell you, but it’s in my fics somewhere!), you can’t imagine them not being there. Sometimes one of you just makes a facial expression and the other one knows what you’re going to say.
I hate getting up early so he always makes me tea that’s ready for when I have to get up. He hates staying up too late so if there’s stuff that needs doing late in the evening I’ll fly around and do it and he’s in awe (honestly he’s such an early bird and I’m so the opposite, he thinks getting up before 6am is completely fine!). And he’s my best friend as well as my husband? He’s very observant. I love that he notices thing, always notices if I’m wearing something new, got my hair trimmed, makes me feel good about myself. And I feel like I can completely, 100% trust him, in everything. I’m very lucky 😭❤️ it’s not perfect, definitely not, but it’s perfect for me?
I have no idea what you were interested in knowing but there you go!
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bibbykins · 5 years ago
Retroactive Redamancy (M)
A/N: PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS FOR THIS FIC. This fic does have some darker scenes which I will detail in the warnings. This fic wasn’t as difficult for me to write, but we all have different triggers, so please take care of yourself first above all else. On a lighter note, I am extremely happy to be finishing the soft yandere series. Is this the last of my soft yandere fics or this au? Absolutely not, I have a ton of fun writing yandere and this au, but I am also looking forward to the other fics I plan on posting. All of my wips have some yandere elements, but in varying degree. I hope you will continue to support me and have a great day/night and stay safe in these trying times!
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Genre: Smut, fluff, angst
Word count: 11.9k
Pairing: Soft Yandere! Hoseok x reader
Warnings: graphic depictions of blood, graphic descriptions of domestic abuse (not done by Hoseok), graphic descriptions of injury on the mouth/tongue, mentions of trauma, anxiety/panic attacks, mentions of puke, penetrative sex, cunnilingus, cumming inside *** all sexual acts mentioned are consensual ***, unhealthy relationship, toxic relationship
Summary: You both swore you would never see each other again. It’s funny how fate works, even when you have to go through hell to make it work. His house was just a random house as you stumbled out of a cab, blood pooling in your mouth. You had no expectations for him to catch you when you fell, and most importantly, protect you when you needed it most. He sat you on his throne and called himself your knight. Is it wrong of you to love him again for it? Is it wrong of him to keep you? Is it wrong of you to want to be kept? 
The act of loving back.
It was the way he looked at you. It was the way he made you feel like the only one in his world and him the only one in yours. It was love. But that's the tricky thing about two people loving one another. One person can decide it is no longer a shared love. In a split second, it is unrequited.
“I-I don't understand.”  Your bottom lip quivered as Hoseok stood in front of you. In any other situation, he would've knelt down and consoled you, but this was an outlier in that pattern, “You said you wanted to be with me for the rest of your life.”
“For the rest of my life here.” He gestured to your hometown surrounding both of you, “Now I have to go back to my life.”
His life? But this was his life. Right?
He said you were his world and now he couldn’t wait to explore another universe, any universe away from you.
That's when it hit you. All you did was keep him company as he studied abroad. He was a college sophomore testing out the waters of a new country, and you were a high school senior, browsing for college and falling head over heels for this man the past nine months.
"You must have a lovely girlfriend at home, huh?" He remained silent, guilty. You let out a breathy laugh, “Oh, I see.” You sighed, the tears finally toppling over and hitting your cheeks, “You're scared to be alone.” He remained silent, “What kind of man are you back home that you call this here a different life?” Guilty silence, “I love you, and you don't know a damn thing about me I bet.” Your lip quivered, "That's what I get for being the other woman." You spit the words out, more angry with yourself.
“You're angry, I get it.” He spoke softly as he reached for your hand and you recoiled sharply, “You hate me.”
“I'm hurt.” You snapped, looking him in his eyes full of guilt, “I could never hate you, just like you could never love me. Just like how you refuse to tell me where home is for you. Just like how you refuse to tell me about your family. Just like how you refuse to fall in love because you are so afraid of the other person not catching you. Well, I have just hit the ground, and I hope you're fucking ecstatic.” Your tears didn't hinder your words but made them hit harder in Hoseok’s eyes. 
You were always so observant. He wondered where life would take you with that talent. Where you wanted to go with that talent. He made sure he never knew.
You were only in high school. You were just 18. You would forget him.
“I can't believe how much I love you.” You sighed, “I'm so fucking pathetic. I'm sick of this.” You sniffed and he braced himself for the final proclamation of hate, “You have a great life in mystery land with a mystery girl and achieve all the things you want to with your mystery major, and I will do the same, okay?”  You took a deep breath, “Do great things in life.” You told him before turning on your heel and walking away.
It would have been easier on the both of you if you hated him.
Hoseok was now in his first year of graduate school. He was the director of human resources at a large company. He was wealthy, smart, and he loved to have company, even if it was not his ideal companion. There was a certain whisper from his past that kept him awake after an exhausting one nightstand.
The void in his heart was semi-filled as he stuffed his dick inside someone else. Hoseok had established a pattern of getting a secretary into bed and then the secretary would quit once their declaration of love was effectively denied. He could not admit to himself why he rejected each confession, but he knew it had to do with a certain girl he had denied himself further access too at an attempt toward redemption. Despite this unspoken wound on his heart, he was expecting to do the same cycle of his with his soon to be former secretary Jiyeon on this cold night until he heard a knock on his door, a persistent one.
“Give me one second.” He pecked the girl's neck at the table, expecting it to be the groceries he ordered.
Upon opening the door, Hoseok found something else. He found a girl with a thin sweater and sweatpants shaking. She had a face mask and her eyes were downcast. 
When you heard the door open you looked up, “H-Hoseok? Jung Hoseok?” You were baffled, “I-I didn't know you live here, but I need a favor.” He knew who you were. He knew the way his name came from your lips. He knew how the syllables roll off your tongue.
Hoseok drew a breath, trying to make sure he was living and breathing at this moment. He couldn’t imagine he had been dreaming about you this time. All his dreams of you were blissful. Although, this setting of you needing something from him could very well be in his dreams. 
It was really you. The not so forgotten dream girl he abandoned in favor of his fear of commitment. You looked different. You looked hurt. What were you doing here? How did you even get here? Why were you here after years of being apart?
You, on the other hand, felt a mixture of relief and dread. On one hand, Hoseok was a sore spot in your romantic history, but he was officially the best boyfriend you’ve had, albeit, by default. On the other hand, you were in pain and you wanted nothing more than to cry and be coddled, but feeling secure that this man would not hurt you physically was enough.
It was really him. The man who turned his back on you. The man who was still as beautiful as the day he left you, but now was absolutely not the time to focus on that,  “I need to use a phone or charge mine.” You squeaked and Hoseok looked at you in bewilderment, and you assumed it was due to not recognizing you, “It's y/n.” You offered but he was still stunned, as you saw a beautiful woman linger behind him, “Look, I don't care who you're fucking right now, please let me in.” Your voice was quaking, desperate. He had never heard it like this before.
 He stepped to the side as you scurried in, “Jiyeon, leave.” The girl balked and he turned to her with a stern eye, “Go.” The girl scoffed as she slammed the front door behind her.
“Where's the bathroom?” You immediately asked, bottom lip beginning to tremble as the pain set in.
“Y/n, what-" He had so many questions
“Later, I promise,” Your voice shook as your body still was, “Bathroom, please.” Your mouth sounded full almost and Hoseok studied you to find a line of red down your neck. 
It was dried blood, but upon further inspection not all of it was dry.
“You're bleeding!”  He spoke incredulously as he went to take your mask off. You wanted to fight it, but you were exhausted, “Don't even think about fighting me. You're hurt.” He read your mind as he pulled the mask down with a steady hand. The mask revealed a busted lip and a cut tongue that was now oozing blood, “Holy shit!” The man went to grab a rag as he held it to your lip, “What the fuck happened?!” He led your shaky legs over to a barstool in his kitchen.
You sat down, slumped over, looking at the rag to see small amounts of blood blotting the fabric. You were no longer gushing. That was good, “I didn't know where else to go.” You were muffled against the cotton, “This was the first place I could find. I had no idea you would- you would be here.”
Hoseok took a look at you. Your eyes were red and puffy. Your cheeks were stained with pure tears. Your nose had traces of blood on the nostrils. Your hands were bruised with open slices that stopped bleeding. Your shirt was torn on the stomach and shoulder. Your feet only had socks on them as your sweatpants had even more dry blood.
Hoseok shuddered at the thought of what happened. He wondered if someone did it. The notion made his blood boil. He took a look at your hand and saw an engagement ring. His blood was no on fire. It didn't take a genius to see what happened. To put two and two together.
You followed his eyes and scoffed, “Pretty, huh?” You mused, lifting your finger up, “You should feel it when someone makes you slice your tongue on it.” You spoke flatly as Hoseok wet a paper towel to clean your chin.
You let go of the rag, the blood now dry and finished pouring out, “What happened?” Hoseok asked softly as you sighed.
“I have poor, poor taste in men.” You sniffled,” No offense.” You offered to the man in front of you,  “I am a victim of my poor judgment.” You sighed, and coughed as the thickness of your own blood sliding down your throat before it finally hit you, “Holy shit that hurts.” Your hand stroked your throat as Hoseok caught glimpse of faded bruises along your neck.
“How… How are you here?” He pressed a cold hand to your neck and you flinched before relaxing against his touch.
“Alive or in your home?” You giggled before coughing, “Sorry, not funny.” You breathed a small sigh as a wet cloth began to wipe away the blood that dripped onto your neck, “I went to University in Ilsang about two years ago. I fell for a man who could never love me, call me a creature of habit, but his parents did love me. I am quite the parent charmer, so he proposed, we moved just outside of the city, and began to plan the wedding.” Your cocky smile fell as you wiped a drop of blood from your mouth, “But the funny thing about being the girl of his parents' dreams almost always means I am not the girl of his.” Hoseok could feel his body heating in rage, “She is sexier, wild, and full of life, so she tried to take mine away, much to his approval.” You felt a tear try to squeeze past your swollen eye, “Call me a pacifist, but I prefer to be broken up with rather than beat.” Hoseok could finally see your face now with all the blood gone. You hadn't changed much, still as beautiful as the day he met you, “I won't bore you with the gore, but it was without purpose. I got a job in the city here as well as a scholarship for the university, so I was planning to leave anyway. However, running from my old apartment covered in blood and begging a taxi to take me as far as he can is not how I planned to make the move.”
“You mean she attacked you and he just let it happen?” Hoseok clenched the cloth in his hand.
“He… uh, held me down.” You shivered, all feigned strength and nonchalance absolved as you realized the gravity of your situation. You were homeless, beaten, and your job didn't begin until after the New Year thanks to a paid holiday break you still got compensated for, and now felt extremely thankful for, “God, this is so fucking crazy."
“We need to call the police!” Hoseok, in contrast to you, was fuming. How someone could ever lay a hand on you is something he would never care to understand. He just wanted to see them burn.
“No point.” You sighed for the nth time of the night. You opened your mouth to elaborate but was cut off by your own coughing as the blood in your tongue tried to make its way down your throat again. 
Hoseok didn't hesitate in putting his hand in front of your mouth. He felt your blood splatter onto his hand, “God, give me his name.” He murmured as you coughed into his hand.
“I'm sorry.” You coughed again, before pulling away from his hand, “That is so gross.” You looked to his bloodied hand.
There was something almost primal with the way Hoseok felt the need to take care of you. No matter how many years went by or the amount he fucked up with you, his instinct to keep you safe has not changed, much to his dismay. Throughout the years, he did his best to stay away from you, but he found himself more than horrified by the result of this.
You were in his kitchen, beaten and coughing blood into his hand. He was trying to remain calm as he wet a towel to wipe your neck, but his knuckles turned white on the sink when he turned the faucet. He needed to know the names of the people who did this. He needed to tear them down.
Hoseok brought a white rag into your neck and the cooling sensation of the water made your eye flutter closed in bliss. He savored the moment of your care-free look. He missed it. He carefully rid your neck of your caked-on blood and he was happy to see your beautiful skin again.
You let him brush the rag against the corners of your mouth and on your cheek, cleaning you. He turned the rag to a clean side and pushed your cheeks lightly opening your mouth. You got the hint and reluctantly stuck your tongue out, but the feeling of the cool cloth on your wounded tongue made up for it.
You were beautiful, even more so now that he could see your face, “There you are.” He murmured, “Doesn’t look like your face will bruise.” He mused as he cleaned your tongue, “Tongues heal pretty quick and the cut isn’t too deep either.” His first aid training from last month was proving pretty useful.
“You think so?” You asked him before looking into his eyes.
Hoseok returned your look. His face lit up as your innocent eyes looked for confirmation. In your eyes, Hoseok could see all that he denied himself. He could see the number of times you cried without him there, the times you giggled and he wasn't there to tease you on how cute it was, and the times you proclaimed to love someone who didn't deserve it. But no more. Hoseok had you here now, and he was dead set on keeping it that way. You were the one.
Hoseok was always so warm, and his eyes showed as much when he returned your gaze with the same smile that made your heartbeat, “You'll be just fine.” He touched your cheek softly and you relaxed fully for the first time this whole night.
There was something about his affirmation that made you feel like everything would be okay. You would start your new job and be the person you always wanted to be. You would be more than a beaten girl on your ex’s front porch. You would be able to close your eyes and wake up to a new day. This night will be in the past one day. You have a future ahead of you. These are all the things that seemed impossible hours ago. These are all the things Hoseok reminded you of in just four words. 
With this in mind, you decided it was time to let go of tonight. Let go of the pain and the suffering for just a moment.
You felt your bottom lip tremble and you let it happen as you felt your chest give as you let the sob jump out of your mouth. You let go of the rag you held and gripped the soft shirt Hoseok was wearing and pressed your forehead against his chest. You took a deep breath and felt the long-withheld tears pour down your cheeks as you hiccuped and sobbed against his chest.
If Hoseok wasn't so in love with you, he would think you were breaking down. However, he knew better. You were still his y/n after all. This is how you rebuilt. This is how you let go and face the future. This is how you heal. You express emotion in the most physical way you can. You find peace in watching the pain dry from your eyes. 
He wrapped your arms around you as you cried into his chest, clutching onto him for dear life, “You never change.” He mused as your shoulders shook, “Still my strong girl, even after all this time.” He stroked your hair as you sniffled.
You had stayed like this for a while. You let hell loose on Hoseok’s shirt. For a moment, it was like you were together again. It was as if you went back with him instead of all those years ago. You went to school with him and moved in with him. You would flaunt the love you two shared in glee as you spent your life with your first love. There would be no one else. Just him.
While this fantasy was nothing but, at this moment, you remembered how right it felt to be in his arms. Maybe you had been obsessed with him these past few years. Maybe you still loved him like you were still a teenager
Little did you know, he often dreamt of the possibility. 
“I-I thought I was gonna die there!” You sobbed.
Hoseok only held you tighter, unable to even bear the thought, “I'm never letting you go, y/n.” He cooed, “You have to know that.” 
A possibility that no longer seemed too out of reach.
Hoseok held you for hours before he felt your grip relax and your breathing even. Your weight was fully on him and he was happy to see you trusting him enough at this moment to fall asleep. To feel safe enough to rest. He wondered when the last time was that you slept peacefully. 
You stayed in this position until he was sure you were asleep. He lifted you in his arms as your head drooped against his shoulder. He carried you to his bedroom with the lightest step as he laid you down. 
Not one to overstep boundaries too much, Hoseok opted to sleep on the couch after tucking you in. He laid down and he wondered about all the ways he could make that bastard ex of yours pay. 
You woke up purely on your own. No alarm. No paranoia. No nightmare. Just your internal clock, which you were delighted to find was still functioning. You opened your eyes and yes, everything hurt, but you were still comfortable. 
You sat up, and that's when everything really hurt. You cried out as you put your hand to your aching head. Crying always gave you a headache. Paired with the beating from last night, your head was hell.
Hoseok raced down the hall to get to you. You looked up to see him out of breath and holding a bottle of water with a small pill in his hand, “Be careful!” He softly scolded as he handed you the pill and unscrewed the cap on the bottle.
You took the bottle from him as you popped the pill marked with the brand of a painkiller into your mouth before drinking the water. You had only then just realized how thirsty you were and began gulping it.
“Hey, hey slow down.” Hoseok’s hand lightly caressed your nape and you slowly put the bottle down, now half empty.
“Sorry, my-” You winced, your tongue proving to be quite sensitive.
“Talk lightly, you’re healing.” Hoseok cooed and for a moment you were brought back to the ridiculous reality you were brought into. You were in your first love’s bed alone after being nearly killed by your ex-fiance's side-chick. Now, the man who broke your heart was nursing you back to full health and treating your wounds. You wondered if you would wake up soon from this fever dream. Although, the pain on your tongue told you this was all too real.
“My throat was raw.” You with your tongue barely touching your mouth, making your speech much slower, “Is what I was trying to say.”
“I figured as much, you had a rough night to say the least, sweetheart.” Hoseok smiled at you reassuringly, “But here we are, a new day, a new chapter.” He gestured around him, “Now, your phone has been going off quite incessantly since I charged it, is there anyone that you were hoping to hear from?” 
You thought for a moment. You moved to South Korea on your own and the only friend you made became your fiance, now ex. His mom would call from time to time, but no way were you talking to her. Your family was long gone, so that’s out of the question. All you had was your new job, but it was a Saturday morning. You shook your head.
“Do you mind if I look at who it is?” He asked and you shook your head, the pounding of it having now subsided, letting the light vibrations of your phone on the nightstand register in your eardrum. Hoseok reached over and took your severely cracked phone into his slender hand, “Who is Oh Sookwang?” He asked, noticing the way you tensed up, “Ah, so that’s his name.” He noted as part of the work that he needs to get done once the workweek begins.
“Wh-What did he say?” You asked hesitantly. Hoseok also hesitated as he scrolled through the texts he sent, “Is it bad?”
“It’s certainly bad for him.” His voice was much colder now with his eyes transfixed on the phone, “It seems he wants to know if you’re dead.” He spoke flatly, “He also wants the ring back for Minyoung.”
You scoffed, unsure of what you expected. You clenched your fist and felt the gold band of the ring dig into your finger. The diamond has specks of your blood dried onto it by now. He probably didn’t even want it for Minyoung. It was probably going to serve as a trophy for another woman broken under their hands. It was a sign of the torment they were capable of inflicting with all the money and the power their feuding parents could give them. You ripped the ring off your finger before throwing it across the room. 
Hoseok watched as the diamond fell out of the ring and onto his bedroom floor. He rolled his eyes at how cheap of a ring this other man dared to present to someone so extremely out of his league. 
“The world is just going to keep turning under his discretion, isn’t it?” Your upper lip twitched in rage.
Hoseok leaned down and kissed the top of your head, “Not while I’m around.”
You looked up at the man who stood before you, “His family is powerful, and so is hers, it’s useless.”
Hoseok chuckled lightly before ruffling your hair, “Look around, babe, I’m powerful.” 
It had been a little more than a week before you agreed to stay with Hoseok. On one hand, he was your first love and heartbreak but on the other hand, you had nowhere else to go. The apartment you planned to move to was detected by Sookwang and for your safety, you decided to not sign the lease. Not like Hoseok would let you.
It had been almost a month since that night now. Your company extended your leave due to the circumstances you were faced with and Hoseok arranged his schedule so he could stay home until you went to work.
He had been quite the caretaker. A doctor he trusted came to make a housecall and gave you a clean bill of health, meaning no broken bones or internal bleeding. You screamed the first time he touched you, so you had to hold Hoseok's hand throughout his assessment. The trauma of it all had not hit you until another stranger had to touch you. Hoseok offered to take you to a counselor but you declined, not ready to say it out loud yet. Even so, you eventually did see someone for coping practices and a diagnosis you had already known.
Being with him again was nostalgic in its own way. Sometimes it felt like catching up with an old friend but then other days it felt like you were picking up right where you left off. Of course, you knew you had no business getting into another relationship after just ending an engagement. In reality, though, the engagement ended long ago, you had just stayed around like a loyal punching bag.
“I forgot how good of a cook you were.” You smiled at Hoseok and the fact you could speak without feeling an ache, “You've only gotten better too, no fair.” You pouted at him.
Hoseok took off his apron, moving to join you at the table, “It's just chicken parmesan, not rocket science.” He ruffled your hair, “Cutie.”
You looked at the man across from you and smiled at the way he settled in, “So, tomorrow you go back to work, right?” You asked as you shoveled the food into your mouth.
“Yes, but I could very easily-” You pouted at him reusing the same line. 
“No.” You reiterated, “We are both working tomorrow, remember?” Hoseok closed his mouth in defeat. You had made a good case about needing to return to work and move on this past week that he could not deny, “Be excited, it's cementing this new start.” You smiled reassuringly.
His face softened at you beaming grin and he smiled back, defeated, “I am excited, just worried.” He sighed.
You knew why. He was scared of you getting hurt or your ex trying to finish his lover's job, “You already reported them, so it's okay.” Hoseok nodded at your words, happy with how calm you were now compared to when you found out what he had done.
That was a rough day. You turned on the news to see the fall of Sookwang’s family corporation and Minyoung also went from heiress to most wanted. They were both under investigation for the attempted murder of an unknown female and embezzlement. There had been outside corporate lawyers and criminal lawyers called to the case. You screamed and cried that day, Hoseok taking the brunt of your misdirected anger. You feared taking the stand and that's what really drove your tantrum.
Hoseok grimaced at the memory, protective instincts kicking in, “You could at least tell me where you work or your job.” He grumbled.
You rolled your eyes playfully, “I told you I will.” You pointed your fork at him, “After a week, because otherwise you will show up or send someone to not so discreetly watch me.” You watch Hoseok slump, guilty, “And you will tell me all about your job then so I don't run to you whenever I get scared.”
“But I want you to run to me if you get scared.” He pouted this time, “I can't bear the thought of you being alone.”
“I can just call you, doofus.” You reached you his hand across the table and watched as he relaxed at the contact, “If I make you my crutch, I will only prove people like Sookwang and Minyoung right.” You mused sadly, “I gotta be better than that.”
Hoseok bit his tongue. He wanted to say that you were miles above scum like them. He would kill them with his bare hands if he didn't have the basic human rationale he cultivated ever so slightly. His morals weren't there, but he couldn't take care of you behind prison bars and he couldn't take you away into hiding and still make you happy. He also couldn't incite violence in fear of you comparing him to Minyoung. He had weighed his options very heavily and was extremely grateful he had the power to ensure the legal system would not fail you. With this, he chose to discipline scum with proper justice and corporate murder.
“You already are.” Hoseok squeezed your hand and stared into your eyes. The feelings he had just looking at you was hard to contain. He would give anything to kiss you again and have you as his, but he knew you wouldn't believe the time was right.
“Thank you.” You stared back at him with an almost equal amount of love and care. You were on your way to the right time. He just knew it.
“I'm sorry that I ever left you.” Hoseok blurted out as you began shaking your head.
You stopped him from speaking any further, “I'm glad you did.” You cut him off, “I needed this all to happen to be who I am now.” You smiled a bit, “It's clichè to say, I know, but before yesterday I considered not taking this job just because I was scared people would be mean.” You mused, “But I lived and at some point loved a man who literally wanted me dead, so what more could a disgruntled coworker or a mean boss do to me?” You picked at the pasta briefly, “I was much too spoiled before all of this. Everything I had was handed to me.”
Hoseok's face scrunched up, “You're the most hardworking person I know.” He spoke up, “You work for everything you get and you still deserve more than that.” 
“These past two years, I would wake up and feel ashamed for breathing.” You felt the pressure in your eyes, “I felt bad that I was still alive because I was causing all of this trouble.”
“None of that was your fault.” Hoseok gripped your hand tightly, “You were not the bad guy in that situation.”
“And logically, I know that, but it just gets to you after a while. Except for today,” You finally looked up at Hoseok and beamed just a little, “I woke up and I didn't even notice the pain, I looked out the window and saw a beautiful day. You smiled at me and everything was okay.” You watched as his signature smile grew, “I wasn't just an abuse victim, for the first time, I felt like a survivor.”
“You are.” He confirmed with and encouraging squeeze.
“And if being one means all this shit had to happen, so be it.” You affirmed to both Hoseok and yourself, “These next few days are gonna be rough, but Dr. Lin says I'm getting better at shaking his hand without shaking the rest of my body.” You giggled a bit before looking at your hand, Hoseok stroking the tan line where your ring used to be.
“The moment you feel uncomfortable, come home.” Hoseok pleaded, “You told them what happened, right?”
You sighed with a nod, “Yeah, they got the emails Dr. Lin drafted and they were actually really kind about it.”
“Good, but even if they weren't, you could work with me.” He offered for the millionth time and you rolled your eyes, “I know, I know, I just want to make sure you're safe and happy and eating right and hydrated and-”
“I am capable of doing so by myself too.” You pointed your fork at him, “I really appreciate you, Hobi, but you have to trust me.” 
Hoseok rested his case in favor of how happy you looked to start this mysterious new job and the fact that his old nickname slipped from your lips for the first time in years. You knew how to play him like a fiddle and had no idea. The last thing he would want was for you to hate him so he even opted to not research you to figure out what your job was. All you said was that you were freelance before they hired you which gave him nothing.
The next morning you woke up at the crack of dumb. In the mirror, you checked your tongue, the wound healed and the uncomfortable stitches you had a week ago fully dissolved. The whole incident felt like a distant nightmare now. All marks from it fully healed, and now only the scars remained. 
You heard Hoseok walking down the stairs, most likely to start the coffee before making breakfast. You had been staying in his guest room, for the time being, your bathroom was in the hall and he could see the light under the door, indicating you were awake. He had offered you the other bedroom with its own bathroom, but you wanted to get used to leaving your room a little more. 
It had been a long while since you put on makeup with a motivation revolving around self-care and confidence as opposed to masking clumps of busted vessels and capillaries lingering beneath your skin. You couldn't help the smile that grew on your face as you applied eyeliner and checked your work in the mirror. There was something therapeutic about painting your face with a much lighter intent. You were excited, and for the first time in a while, you could feel your nerves buzzing and the butterflies in your stomach blooming from their cocoon. 
You also hadn't put this much effort into your hair this entire time. Hoseok would sometimes brush your hair after a shower, mostly out of habit from when both your hands had been wrapped up. However, beyond that, it was kept in its natural state, which you figured was mediocre at best when paired with your naked and bruised face at the time. Hoseok always talked about how beautiful you were, but this was the first time in a while you felt anywhere close to it.
There were no bruises on your face, your dark circles were not even half the horror they used to be, you didn't even have to slather foundation and concealer in an effort to cover an open wound. Your face had never felt so soft, scabs no longer present. You looked at your finished look and squealed to yourself. You looked nice. Your clothes were also stylish, in typical Hoseok fashion, he had surprised you with a new wardrobe beyond all protests, and you couldn't deny how nice it all looked on you. You had called him ridiculous for approaching you with a measuring tape, but the fit was no joke with how it hugged your figure.
“Breakfast is ready!” He called from downstairs and you smiled, excited to show him how you looked.
You nearly pranced down the stairs and to the kitchen to see Hobi with his back turned, getting coffee, “Oh y/n, did you want-” He turned around and was met with the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, “Holy shit.”
To him, you were always beautiful, but you were glowing this time due to your chipper mood. You smiled brightly at him as he took in your appearance. From the stylish high waisted black slacks with a flowy lavender blouse. The black pumps you had only accentuated your confident stature. Your face had light traces of makeup, but it had been growing to be more and more radiant. He took note of the necklaces you wore to compliment your skin complexion. Everything you were fit you so well, his mind was plagued by sinful thoughts of taking them off.
You weren't holding up well either. Hoseok was stunning no matter what, but this was the first time in a long time you had seen him in a suit. His hair was styled perfectly with his brown hair tousled in waves. His suit was well-fitting and the dress shirt managed to outline his muscles. The rings he had on next to his watch made you weak in the knees for some inexplicable reason. The glasses he wore only added to his sugar daddy aesthetic. Were you a gold digger or in love with this man?
You blinked away the question once you registered his profanity, “Is that a good holy shit?” You teased as you sat in front of the plate he set on the table.
“You're a goddess.” He groaned and you giggled, while he walked over with two coffee cups.
“And you're exaggerating.” You poked his nose before picking up your fork, catching sight at the tan line on your ring finger.
Hoseok watched your smile drop a little, “Y/n, are you alright?” His face showed very evident worry.
You looked up, snapping out of your trance, “Yeah, just this dumb tanline.” You huffed, “It's so blatant.”  You held up your hand to Hoseok, although he knew about the line all too well.
“I can put a ring on your finger.” You choked on your coffee at Hoseok's blunt words, “Y/n!” He made a move to stand and help you but you shook your head as you coughed.
“People will think I'm engaged.” You regained composure, “They'll ask me all kinds of questions.”
Hoseok would be lying if he said that was a bad thing. This would keep any intruders into your relationship with him away. This would keep you closer to him. He shrugged, ���Engaged or not,” He placed a quaint box on the table, “I already bought the ring so…” He pushes the box toward you with a cheeky smile, “It's winter now, so you can just wear it until it fades.”
You chuckle as you take the box, “This might be more romantic than my proposal.” You joked, “He spelled it out in roses with candles around it.”
“You hate roses.” Hoseok pointed out and you nodded with an eye roll, “You know what?” He grabbed the blue velvet box and went around the table. Before you could ask what he was doing, he knelt down on one knee, taking your hand, “Y/n L/n, will you stay with me?”
You giggled, “I would be honored.” He beamed at you as he opened the box to reveal and black diamond with two smaller traditional ones on each side with a silver band which he slid on your finger, “I used to dream about this in high school.” You admired the ring, “I had a whole dream board for our future wedding.” 
Hoseok chuckled at this, “You really loved me, huh?”
You frowned as he stood to go back to his side of the table. Without thinking you gripped his hand, making him turn back to you, “I'll always love you, Hobi.” The words jumped out of your mouth before you could even consider the weight they held and the terrible timing it was. Your ex wasn't even in prison yet. His sentencing had yet to come and here you were like a blushing schoolgirl pining after Hoseok all over again.
Hoseok, on the other hand, was over the moon. He knew it, but to hear you say it was a new experience in and of itself. You were almost there. Almost ready for him to have you. For you to have him. He saw the worry creep on you face and then dissolve when he gripped your hand back, “And I, you.” He simply said before kissing your knuckles and then returning to his seat.
When it came time for you to go via the driver Hoseok insisted on you having, he hugged you tightly, “Call me if you feel anything other than excitement.” He let out a shaky breath before letting you go from his embrace to grip your shoulders, “Text me whenever you can just how you feel, okay?”
You smiled at him reassuringly, “If I get a papercut, I'll let you know the moment I put a bandage on.” You proclaimed dramatically and Hoseok whined, “I will call you if I need to, okay?” He nodded, “Do you trust me?” Another nod. You cupped his face before bringing it down to kiss his forehead softly. When he lifted his face it was dusted with a light brush, “Have a good day at work.” 
Hoseok took the chance to kiss your forehead this time, “You have the greatest day at work.” He spoke softly and you nodded before exiting through the front door.
Coming back to work was always a sore spot for him, but now that he had you back, it felt even worse. He was already missing you. On top of that, Jiyeon had quit so he had to be his own secretary for a while. He wondered how Taehyung did it for so long. Due to this new workload, he had no idea what his schedule was.
Hoseok looked up as he heard a knock on the glass door of his office. He always kept the blinds down, so he blindly let the visitor in with a call. Namjoon emerged with an exasperated look on his face, “You forgot, didn't you?” When he received Hoseok's response if an eyebrow raise he sighed, “Our fully recovered CEO is having a meeting with all the department heads with our newly wrangled Behavioral Scientist.” An ignorant blink, “The dude is like your new right-hand man Mr. Director of Human Resources.” 
“Oh right!” Hoseok stood, “Our expert in body language for sitting in on interviews.” He nodded, “What's his name again?”
Namjoon shrugged, “Who knows, but CEO Kim said he read her like a diary she was so impressed.” He smirked, “Maybe he’ll smell what an HR nightmare you are right off the bat.”
Hoseok walked over to the door Namjoon stood in the way of, “Hey, hey, I'm a changed man, remember?” He walked out of his office with his colleague, “I have all I need at home.”
His friends teasing tone dissipated as he remembered the shaking girl he encountered just a week ago, “Oh, that's right, how is she?” Namjoon asked, genuinely concerned.
“Better.” Hoseok smiled at his friend, “She starts her new job today, and she's been doing a lot better.”
Namjoon nodded, “When we all met her, she did real well.” He sighed, “Not sure how anyone would ever want to hurt her, but that guy's as good as dead anyway.”
“That much I made sure of.” Hoseok confirmed.
“Jeez, you sound like Tae and Jimin.” Namjoon laughed.
“Just you wait until it's your turn.” Hoseok teased as they reached the conference room to be met with the other five of his friends which was weird since three of them were not higher-ups in the company.
“And I thought this was a director only meeting.” Namjoon mused.
“She said she wanted her favorite boys here.” Taehyung smiled, “This new hire seems to have her struck, said she sees em as another child already.”
“She's too caring for her own good sometimes, watch this dude be some discount medium who claims he can read aura's.” Yoongi scoffed.
“She's not one to be wowed by parlor tricks.” Jin pointed out.
“She has been on morphine for the past couple days though.” Jungkook pointed out.
“You guys give her no credit.” Jimin sighed, “She's still a businesswoman.”
“But she's also a human who extended Hoseok's holiday leave because so that he could stay with his angel.” Yoongi chimed back in.
“Well, I'm excited nonetheless.” Hoseok sat down as Namjoon did before hearing the door open.
CEO Kim walked in with a warm smile, “Hello, boys!” The old woman in her late 60's cheered and was met with a chorus of greetings, “Lovely of you all to make it here. I've been healing just fine before you ask.” She looked at Taehyung in particular, “Gonna take more than some kidney surgery to get me down.” She joked with a light giggle, “Anyways, I'm absolutely pleased to introduce our new addition to HR as the Employment Analyst," She looked out the door, “Come on in, dear.”
You walked through the door, palms already warm. You looked down for a moment, “Good morning!” You lifted your head only to be met with awfully familiar faces, “Oh my.”
“Y/n!” Jungkook was the first to chirp as the other men were completely floored.
The CEO smiled cheerfully, “You know her? Perfect!” She clasped her hands, “My dear here has had a rough adjustment, so do make her feel welcome!” You graciously smiled at the sweet old woman.
“H-Hey guys.” You twiddled your thumbs, “Fancy meeting you here.” You smiled weakly. 
“Y/n, here is a student and is here to help our HR find and keep only the best of the best.” The CEO beamed brightly, “Anyways, she will be working will be working for Mr. Jung.”
You looked at Hoseok and he gave you his signature smile. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.
After the meeting was adjourned, Hoseok made his way to you with the same smile he had before, "You're fantastic." He patted your head affectionately and you giggled.
"You're too much." You stuck your tongue out, "I'm going to go set up my office." You smiled before exiting the conference room with quaint smiles and bows to the remaining 6 other men in the room. The company was eccentric, to say the least, but at least you had familiar faces to rely on.
"You know, you are surprisingly relaxed." Yoongi mused, catching Hoseok's attention.
Hoseok was even then, only partly paying attention as he was caught up in his lovelorn bliss, "Well, of course, why wouldn't I be?" He sighed.
The other men exchanged looks, "Do you not know your reputation?" This snatched Hoseok back to Earth.
"Yeah, she's definitely going to find out," Jungkook added, earning a glare.
Even so, Hoseok knew the men were right. You would not be pleased to find out about his promiscuity, especially in the workplace. You would have every right to be angry, but he still hoped you would understand that he was only trying to fill a void he created by abandoning you. He was a new man.
"That, plus you have secretaries to interview today." Taehyung chimed in, "My darling was kind enough to call them in after Jiyeon called me, hysterical, before quitting." He shot a glare to Hoseok.
"Actually, I think y/n's first task is to interview said, ladies." Namjoon fought the emerging smile on his face as Hoseok nearly went pale.
Jimin spoke this time, "Hobi?" He caught the man's attention, "Run."
Needing no further instruction, he made a dash for the elevator.
"Oh, hello." You caught the attention of a beautiful chestnut-haired woman, "Can I help you?" You smiled at her as you carried a box to your office adjacent to Hoseok's.
She scanned your form before letting her guard down. You should've been offended by how quickly she wrote you off as a non-threat, but you let it go, "I'm looking for Jung Hoseok." She flashed you a smile, a very fake one judging by the stiffness in her face.
You shook off the insecurity planting itself in your psyche before it could latch, "He's in a meeting, but I'm a new worker in this department so I could-"
"They hired you?!" She quickly cut you off, "I didn't even get a chance to interview yet, and they gave the assistant position to you?!" She threw her hands up before her eyes landed on the ring you were, "Wow, are taken women his thing, or something?" She sneered. You felt your throat close in panic and rage all at once. You watched in hidden horror as her face seemed to morph into Minyoung's. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat and replaced it with a quaint smile, a very fake one, "Actually, I'm the new Employment Analyst." You quipped, "I believe I'm your interviewer in fact." The woman went pale, "I'm still setting up my office, but you are very punctual, I'll give you that." You smiled at her, "I am nothing if not fair, so if you would like to take a seat while I set up, I'll be right with you." You gestured to the chairs outside the door to your office and she took the seat slowly. You closed the door behind you, stalking to your desk to place the box on top of the mahogany only to slump down into a crouched position with an exasperated sigh.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in, blowing it out through pursed lips to prevent yourself from hyperventilating, "Get it together." You curse yourself. It had maybe been 10 minutes and you were already hiding under your desk, "Fuck, why did I think I could do this?" You closed your eyes in defeat when the door slammed open, startling you.
"Y/n!" Hoseok's voice caused you to internally panic and hit your head under the desk.
"Shit!" You scolded the pain, "I-Is my interviewee still out there?" You wondered aloud as Hoseok rushed to your side.
"I sent them home." He sighed before lifting you to sit on your chair and wordlessly began to guide you through your breathing, just as he had a million times before, just as he had when you were still in high school and especially in the last month.
You worked through the breathing and felt yourself seethe. You were more frustrated than angry, but still angry. Why did this random girl affect you so terribly? Why did Hoseok send her home? Why couldn't you just keep it the fuck together?
"Well, I suggest you leave," You sighed out as your chest rose and fell at its usual pace, "I have more coming."
"You can just cancel them." Hoseok shook his head at the thought of you interviewing a shamefully specific demographic of women he hired, "I want to find the candidates on my own." 
You studied his face. His lips were pursed, eyes were looking at your cheek, not eyes, and his grip on your shoulder had noticeably stiffened. Your face scrunched in disappointment, "Why? It seems they all fit your credentials." You spat, more bitter than you intended before sighing again as silence befell the two of you. You shut your eyes for a moment to gather your thoughts before opening them halfway to look down at your hands clasped together tightly, "I can't do it again, Hoseok." You muttered softly, "I'm not stupid, I know what you do in this office, but I can't do that again."
He met your eyes this time, obviously worried, "What do you mean?" His brows furrowed.
"Be the afterthought." You bit out, "I will not compete with all these women and end up…" exactly like yourself. You swallowed your last words because they would hurt the both of you too much.
"Angel, I would never-"
"Just go, okay?" You forced yourself to say, not looking at him, "It's my first day of work and we've already breached professionalism." You breathed out with your lips pursed, "I have interviews to do." You looked at Hoseok and he didn't meet your eyes as he left, dejected.
The interviews went terribly for both parties you would say. Most of these women had no experience being an Administrative LLP Assistant and if they did, they walked out on their last jobs. A lot of the women were quite kind, after noticeably sizing you up, but then you had some women who thought they could interview you as well. It was awfully reminiscent of when you first encountered Minyoung. 
By the end of the interviews, you felt like your eyes were beginning to cross as your tongue began to sting. It wasn't a real sting. This much was confirmed when your neck also began to sting and you let out a shaky breath. You stared at the excel sheet of employee evaluations and found yourself wondering if you would be able to work at home.
You shook off the very fantasy since you barely had a home to begin with. You needed to look for a place. Your heart squeezed at the thought and you put your hand on your chest. You felt stupid for wanting to leave Hoseok, but you also felt stupid for wanting to stay with a man who had such a specific and insatiable taste. 
The day dragged on and you actively avoided Hoseok when your lunch rolled around. You opted for a granola bar at your desk and it was just as indignifying as you thought it would be. Your job turned out to be mostly excel sheets and productivity reports and it wasn't until Hoseok knocked on your door that you realized it was time to go home- Hoseok's home.
The car ride was painfully and noticeably silent in the beginning. You didn't look at Hoseok and he couldn't bear to meet your eyes as the driver even looked uncomfortable. It wasn't until you realized you were at Hoseok's place that you even moved.
You dragged your feet to the door as the day's event swirled in your head. The women reminded you scarily of yourself, pining after someone who would never pine after them. Some of them were rings too and you wondered if it was because their home life was like yours had been. Had they just wanted to feel desired for once? Who are you to judge them when your ex is piecing together the life your ex-fiance destroyed. How are you any better than them with Hoseok? 
Even if you love him, it doesn't mean he loves you or doesn't plan on finding more thrilling endeavors outside of the lovely little home he keeps you at just like Sookwang had.
The bile in your throat pushed itself against you at the very thought and when Hoseok opened the door, you ran to the bathroom, hand over your mouth.
He quickly ran after you only to see you on your knees in front of the toilet as you heaved a cried. Immediately, he held back your hair as you hurled your guts, thoughts, fears, and sadness out of your body after holding them in for a day. It hadn't been the first time you've thrown up with Hoseok present, so he knew exactly how to clean you up as you cried.
However, this time, you gripped his dress shirt, surely causing wrinkles, and looked at him, "Please don't leave me." Your bottom lip quivered, "I can't, I can't be alone, I'm so sorry." You cried into his chest as he rocked you back and forth, "You're-You're all I…" You let out another sob
"I'm all you have." He mused and you nodded, "Just as you are all I have." You hiccuped and he kissed your head, "I've loved you for years, I will not be stopping, whether you like it or not." He stroked your hair as he closed your eyes.
He should kill Sookwang. He's never been so sure of himself. Hoseok clutched you closer to him as you shook violently. He should kill Sookwang for not only hurting you but for making you so distrusting of everyone, even him. The love of your life. Sookwang instead would spend his life in prison- or lack of life. It was merciful, Hoseok should rip him to shreds and let you do the same to Minyoung. However, the only thing more important than doing that was having you as his, at last.
He was all you had finally. It would remain that way.
After an hour of breathing exercises and mouthwash, you were in your bedroom. You stared up at the ceiling and yet, all you could see was Hoseok's face. You cursed yourself for this. It was like you were back in high school again. You were embarrassed by how easily you fell for him again especially after what Sookwang did. You closed your eyes and moted how warm you felt just thinking about all Hoseok has done for you. 
You weren't an idiot. You had dated him before. You knew he was terrified of a commitment then, but now, it almost seemed as if he craved it. It was a complete turnaround. It wasn't healthy. Logically, you knew that, right? You knew that this connection was obsessive on a good day, but he made you feel so safe. Your first day at work went terribly and you had just wished to go home to Hoseok's loving arms. Instead, your mind had morphed him into Sookwang.
Hoseok was the opposite, however. Sookwang had been sheltered and starved, so he settled for you as a wife and other women as a lover. Hoseok, however merely settled for one night stands in search of stability. He was loving and attentive, maybe a little too much. Even so, he hadn't brought home any women, or left your side, in the past month. He only ever seemed to look at you while you tried to assess your situation. 
You weren't ready for a relationship, you thought. But how the hell do you know what's good for you? 
Look at your past logical decisions, such as getting engaged. Maybe Hoseok knew what's best for you. Maybe you knew that wasn't healthy. Maybe you didn't care.
If you were going to regret this, you were going to have to do it first.
You sat up, letting the covers fall off your body as you ripped them off your legs. Before you could even begin to dissect your mindset, your legs carried you in front of Hoseok's door. It was already in the evening. You wondered if he was going to make dinner or leave you alone for the night. Should you not bother him? You shook your head before bringing your wrist up to knock on the door.
It had been the softest knocks Hoseok had heard in his life. His eyebrows scrunched together. Had he forgotten the cleaning lady was coming today? He could've sworn she comes Tuesday mornings?
"Come in." He nodded towards the closed door as it opened ever so cautiously.
He immediately sat up as soon as he saw it was you, "Hey, Hobi." You smiled at him shyly. 
Hoseok visibly relaxed as he gestured with a flick of his wrist for you to come near him. You walked over to his bed, "Sorry to intrude." You offered wearily, as he guided you to sit next to him, "I just…" You drew in a breath, as his arm wrapped around your waist Before I say anything, I just need to know what you want." His head tilted to the side in confusion now laying down next to his seated form and you groaned in frustration, "Do you...want me?" You forced out and it seemed he finally understood what you were trying to figure out. He leaned over you with a smile.
"I love you if that's what you're getting at." Your breath hitched at his boldness, "Don't act like you didn't know."
It was your turn to be confused as the man of your teenage and adult dreams leaned over you with a satisfied smirk, "You only said it that one time and I didn't think that you…" You avoided eye contact, "Would want used goods." 
He gripped your chin in an instant for you to see his jaw clenched and stern eyes, "I wish you could see what I see." He closed his eyes, letting his irritation diffuse as he leaned closer to you, "What no one else deserves to see." He hovered over your lips.
You were hypnotized by the passion and found yourself left with no option but to grip both sides of his face and bring him down to you. His lips connected with yours slowly at first but it quickly grew into a frenzied expression of how starved you both were to be craved by the other. Your arms wrapped around his neck while his wrapped around your waist. He moved you to where he was laid in between your legs and you gasped when his pelvis had accidentally brushed against yours. 
Hoseok broke away from the kiss for a moment, lips swollen and chest heaving, "Fuck, baby, I better go get dinner started before we end up doing something that-"
You pouted at this, causing Hoseok to immediately halt at the sight, "Hobi," You whined as you gripped his bicep, "Don't you want me?" You batted your eyelashes at him as his resolve crumbled.
"More than anything, angel." He was quick to say as he dipped his head down to place light kisses on your neck.
"So show me." You breathed and it was like something snapped in him.
He gripped your hip with a determined squeeze as his mouth opened eider to harshly suck the skin of your neck between his teeth. You groaned at the sensation, heat quickly pooling between your thighs. The hand on your hip reached up as he began to unbutton the lavender blouse. He had never touched you like this before, so when the shirt left you open, only a bra of the same color shielding you, he had to pull back to look at you for a moment. He studied every mole, freckle, or mark he could see as he slipped the shirt from your shoulders. He kissed down your stomach as he made quick work of the slacks he bought you, nearly salivating at how close he was to your clothed entrance. 
You arched your back, obedient as ever when his hands caressed your waist, sliding behind to unhook your bra. He let out a shaky breath when your top half became full bare. His hands gripped them both, softly pinching both nipples as you let out a mewl that spurred him to lean down, taking one of the buds into his mouth, tongue encircling it as your back arched again while you let out a whine. The sensation of his mouth and hands shooting straight to the area where you wanted them most. He let his teeth graze the bud before sucking and you could no longer suppress the moan that was clawing at your throat. He let the nipple go with a lewd pop as he studied your body again before moving to caress your hips and thighs. He watched the flesh squish under his touch and you squirmed a bit, "So fucking beautiful." He breathed, transfixed by your nearly bare body.
"Hobi." You whined, as his eyes wen to your heated face. Your bottom lip was caught in your teeth as your thighs shifted beneath him.
"Yes, my love?" He mused as he slid the last piece of fabric you had down your legs, watching as your pussy became exposed to him. Your breath hitched when he spread your legs as his fingers went to spread you, "Do you want me to taste you?" He hummed, mouth mere millimeters away from your opening.
You pet out a breathy moan at the anticipation, "Yes, yes, please." You huffed out only for the very breath to be stolen as his tongue dove at your sex like a man starved. 
Hoseok had never expected you to be so needy, each time his tongue moved you would whine out, wanting more and more. Never did he fine eating someone out to be so erotic as he did with his hands keeping you in place as your upper body twisted in pleasure. You would squeak when his tongue would dance around your hole, tempting him to finally plunge it in. He felt how tight you were and was instantly addicted to the feeling of you around him. He fucked you with his tongue as he let you move your hips to meet the thrusts of the muscle. He almost brought a hand to play with your clit but opted to make you cum with his mouth alone.
You had never been eaten out like this before. You could hardly keep up with Hoseok or the sensations he gave you as he entered you with his tongue. Never in your life have you felt so euphoric, the sensation sent tingles down your body and straight to your clit which he flicked with a stiffened tongue before you could even blink. A long-forgotten coil began to tighten in the pit of your stomach as he spread you as wide as you could go, his hands on your knees as he sucked on your clit, tongue still ruthless as it explored your pussy. You could hear him nearly slurp. You normally would be embarrassed, but all you could feel was what Hoseok gave you, and you wanted more. 
As if he read your mind, Hoseok began a ruthless rhythm of long-stroke that brought you closer and closer each time until you let loose with a scream of pleasure, your body shaking as you came. Hoseok placed a kiss on your clit that made your hips jump, "Hobi, fuck me." You breathed out, chest heaving as you crept down from the enormous high. The man hesitated, fully intent on letting you rest and taking care of himself in the bathroom. He was ready to tell you this until you let out another cute whine, "Please, babe, I want you to make love to me." You whined out and how could he possibly say no?
"I can't say no to you, baby, that's not fair." He spoke, eyes lidded as he stripped himself at lighting speed, moving his length along your slit as he groaned lowly at the contact. When he pressed the head against your entrance and you moaned lightly he nearly blew his load. By the time he slid all the way in, he had to take a moment to collect his thoughts. He looked down at you, eyes barely open and mouth panting. He then watched himself as he slid slowly in and out, his hardened member eventually all the way in your tight walls, "You're so beautiful." He groaned as he set a slow pace, "I love you so much." He leant down to kiss you as he fucked you gently and when you moaned into his mouth he couldn't help but speed up.
"Hobi." You moaned out sweetly for him as he fucked you, "Feels so good." You gasped out as your hands went to press him closer to you as he ground deeper into, more desperate. You could feel the bed shaking as he sped up more and more, calculated thrusts now becoming sloppy as you could feel another orgasm on the edge of breaking free.
He could tell you were close to as you squeezed him, "You gonna cum again for me, angel?" You gasped, nearly squealing as you squeezed around him, cumming hard enough to send him over the edge, "Fuck, fuck!" He moaned in pure ecstasy as he came inside of you, riding out the highs you both shared.
"I love you." You mumbled through tired lips pressed against his ears. He slowly slid out of you and that's as far as you remember before passing out.
You woke up with soft lips against your shoulder as the early morning peeked through the curtains. Your eyes slowly opened as they flicked around to find Hoseok in your peripherals, "Oh, you're awake." He mumbled, mouth still trailing over your bare skin.
"Mmph." You murmured, turning over, "Good morning." You placed a lazy kiss on his toned chest as you nuzzled into him.
The sleepy chuckle he let out vibrated in his chest, "What do you say we work from home today, hm?" 
Your eyes snapped open immediately as you shot up, "Work! I forgot!" You exclaimed as your eyes darted across the room looking for a clock, "I can't just not come in on my second day I-"
"I must look like such a slacker! I can't believe I-"
"Angel, I-"
"How did I not set my alarms before I just went to sleep all willy nilly?! It's mmph-" Soft lips landed on your own as you melted into the kiss in spite of your moment of panic. His lips massaged yours until he felt your naked form relax on his own. 
This was all he needed. He was all you needed. This moment was the epitome of what it meant to be reborn in the arms of someone else. It was always meant to be this way. He was an idiot for thinking you were anything less than his soulmate. He was a fool for looking for comfort when he should've been looking for you all these years.
Once he felt your body fully depend on him, he broke the kiss ever so slowly, "It's 6:00am." He mumbled against your mouth, "I'm offering to have us both work from home today, so I can let the office know I will be conducting your orientation off-site." The smirk that twinkled on the corner of his mouth did not go unnoticed by you before you nodded. 
You watched with twinkling eyes as Hoseok made the call. You laid your head on his bare chest as you heard the rumble of his deep voice making orders to accommodate for his absence, "Hobi," You murmured when he hung up the phone, "Were you ever expecting to see me again?"
The hand he had stroking your hair faltered as his heart sank at the mention of the past. He was an idiot to be scared enough to ruin things with you. He was a fool to deny himself the bliss of loving you back, "No, not at first." He spoke honestly, "But I missed you every day." You smiled at this while he stroked your hair, "Something was missing in my life, and I tried to find it in other women when I was too scared to look for you."
"Oh, I hated you so much." You stifled a laugh.
"You said you could never!" Hoseok huffed as you leaned your head up to look at his pouting face.
"Not real hate, babe." You smiled softly, "I mean heartbreak hate." You mused, "I never wanted to see you again, but I never stopped wondering about you, and when I moved to South Korea, and especially when I was with… you know, I let my mind wander to how we could've been." 
"Well, it's me and you now and forever, angel." He placed a kiss on your forehead, "Nothing will ever come between us again, not even ourselves." Hoseok spoke with determination you were smart enough to know the implications of. Not that you had plans to ever leave, but even if you had they would be for naught. You knew his power. You were sure he only scratched the surface with Sookwang. It should scare you.
"I know you won't let it, even if anything tried." You breathed, blissful as he pulled you in for a passionate kiss. It wasn't healthy how he thrilled you. How much you loved being so secure in his arms, even if he was also securing you within his clutches. Chains or not, they were much too comfortable for you to object. You had the autonomy you wanted. You had everything you needed at the snap of a finer. Sookwang gave you hell and Hoseok led you to the pearly gates.
You weren't dumb enough to overlook the resounding clink as you were locked in heaven with the man you loved. 
The very man who finally loved you back.
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bl--ankhaeji · 5 years ago
can you write a scenario where he gets caught making out with his s/o by the older members and they scold him (nct park jisung )
Paring - Jisung x Reader
  Frustration surged through your veins just like the blood in them. You had three finals to study for and no space left in your brain for the information. Times like these you were very envious of your idol boyfriend who didn’t have to deal with asshole professors in his freshman year of college like you, but that envy never lasted long seeing as you witness first hand what those countless hours of work he puts into perfecting his craft sometimes did to him. He was barely a legally grown man but had the aches of a 70 year old who worked in construction and then it’s times like those where you’re glad you never tried to become an idol albeit you being a pretty good dancer like Jisung.
 Slamming your hand on the back of the couch, “Fuck!” you yelled into the currently empty air, your apartment being void of anyone but you at the moment. “Please remind me why the fuck I want to become a surgeon.” Questioning whether or not you should take the chance now and change your major. The sheer amount of required areas you needed to know for your psychology, biology, and organic chemistry exams taking a toll on your health as you feel a skull cracking migraine come along. 
You had wanted to be a surgeon ever since you were 12 and your dad had to get a life threatening surgery. The attending surgeon had calmed you down from what you now know was a panic attack with facts about the surgery and other distracting things to help you handle it better. All you had at the time was your dad and because of that surgery you were able to spend four more years with him before he ultimately passed away in his sleep. 
Thinking of that story and of the surgeon who looked so cool to you that day always seemed to replenish your love for the practice. 
“Okaayyy lets go, I got this. Do this for dad and the others like him-” You were interrupted by the obnoxious ring of your phone indicating that you were currently getting a call. Releasing an inhumane sounding groan you reach for your phone, only for butterflies to instantly appear in your stomach. Your boyfriend you were just thinking of was facetiming you. You quickly press the green phone icon on the screen and a comfortable looking Jisung pops up on the screen.
“Y/N, y/n, y/n come over to my dorm. I'm bored and I miss you even though you look like you got ran over by an 18-wheeler...I’m also hungry because Jaemin hyung didn’t cook me any food before he left, so can you please come over….and bring food.” Jisung smiles cheekily into the camera. He already knows that you’re gonna say ye-
“No. I’m sorry Jisung I can’t today.” 
It hurts your heart to say that especially since you don’t really get to see Jisung a lot now because of your conflicting schedules. Seeing the immediate sadness in his eyes once you say you can’t come over almost brings tears to your eyes. You barely ever see your friendly giant of a boyfriend and now once you have the chance too you can’t because of stupid finals. 
“W-Why not?” 
“I have finals next week and even though I only have tests for three classes it’s a lot to study and I really have to pass these classes with good grades in order to get into a good medical school, so I can’t come over today.” 
You see his eyebrows furrow and his nose does a slight scrunch. “Why don’t you come over here, no one is here right now and I can help you study.” He says after a short pause.
“I don’t know Jisung, you’re pretty distracting and I really need to concentrate.” You state admitting that you saw him as a distraction, something you would have never admitted to unless you were really out of it.   
“Pleaseee I promise to not be a distraction and to only be helpful.” You should’ve known better, knowing your boyfriend that statement would only be halfway true but you didn’t care, the incessant want and need to see him and hug him in person combined with the pent up pure frustration had you agreeing stating that you’ll be there in a little. 
Upon seeing the boy answer the door you felt all of the built up panic clinging to your body as if it was a leech just melt away. Seeing Jisung was like a breath of fresh air, it was just what you needed to keep pushing. Jisung looks down at your hands and sees a shit ton of note cards each in a different container and the food he asked you to bring about to spill out of your arms. 
    Taking some of the containers while letting you walk through the door Jisung voices the reason for the confusion plastered on his face, “I thought you only had three tests to take, why do you have like nine containers?” 
“Because my baby chick, each class has three main parts that we have to study and know for the test and out of those three anything could possibly be on the test.” He looks at you with a face like the one meme of the black guy in a white shirt with question marks around him. Laughing at his confusion you start to sit everything down in the living room. “Come on I have to know all of this by next week and I only have like a quarter memorized.” 
You guys have been studying for the past three hours. You can see that helpful Jisung won’t last much longer. His patience is waning  seeing as this is his third break in the past fifteen minutes and honestly you can’t blame him. Taking a look around the room you see note cards and highlighters scattered all around you two and the floor almost looking as if a school supply store threw up on the floor. Surprisingly having Jisung help you study actually did change a lot. You now had most of the content memorized. 
You’re still looking at the index cards highlighting parts that you can’t remember when you feel arms wrap themselves around your midsection and hair starts to tickle your cheek. 
“AHHH baby can we please take a break I’m tired and I know you are too. You've been working really hard nonstop.” Jisung states whilst laying his head on your shoulder. “We’ve been studying for three hours straight and I really want some real alone time with my baby before everyone gets back from their schedules.” 
“Just wait a little longer, I promise I’ll pay attention to you once I get this down.” You state distractedly not taking your eyes off of the card in front of you. Ten minutes go by and you still haven’t put the cards down when you start to feel feather light kisses splayed across your next. 
“Stop that tickles.” You state giggling dragging out the stop. 
“No. I want my s/o to stop looking at a piece of paper when their handsome boyfriend is right here trying to get their attention.” He states with a slight whine in his voice. 
It’s not like you didn’t want to give attention to him, you really did but you just couldn’t and the kisses he continued to lay on your skin weren’t helping. This is why you were hesitant to come over. 
Feeling Jisungs kisses solidify your attention starts to waver. You slowly start to unconsciously put the card down your head tilting back to give him more access to your neck. A slow moan slips from your lips as Jisung moves around to the front of you and puts his lips on the place on your neck that he knows drives you crazy leaving a light hickey. 
“Will you pay attention to me now?” He asks switching back to the light kisses on your neck. You bite your bottom lip in an effort not to moan again and Jisung starts to move his hands to your waist. 
His cool lips start to travel up your neck and at this point the cards have long since been forgotten. Hands moving to the back of his neck playing with the hairs on his neck. When he makes it to your face he stops and looks at you causing you to open your eyes that you didn’t even realize were closed. 
Your lips part to let out quiet pants of hot breath and as Jisung looks you dead in your eyes you feel your cheeks start to heat up at his intense gaze. “You need a rest and since you won’t let yourself willingly I had to make you.” 
“Kiss me Jisung.” You let out breathly due to him starting to kiss around your face. He makes his way to the top of your face slowly kissing both of your eyelids, then your nose and cheekbones. 
You feel the exhaustion knotted in your body start to fade away as he steadily massages your sides cause you to relax uncontrollably.
Kissing both of your cheeks he moves to your lips and he stops. Grazing his lips on yours he slightly teases you causing you to let out a huff of irritation and him to chuckle and mumble about how cute you are.
Jisung finally kisses your lips as you let out a short sigh of relief. His slightly wet lips glide against yours as you start to leisurely kiss. He switches the position on the couch making sure your lips are still connected. He lays you on top of him and you move your legs to sit on his sides. His large hands move to your back and he slips one under your shirt while the other lays against your back. His hand gently makes random shapes against the skin of your back. 
Your tongue slips into his mouth as they start to slide together effortlessly. But the bliss of the moment is shortly lived as you hear a sharp dramatized gasp come from the doorway into the living room. You and Jisung immediately split apart at the sound, when you see an openmouthed Jaemin and Jeno standing in the entryway. Soon Kun, Taeyong and Johnny make their way in with bags in their arms only to drop them dramatically on the ground.
“JiSuNg-aH wHaT Is GoInG oN HeRe.” Jaemin yells quickly walking toward you two. Jisung quickly sits up only for Johnny and Jeno to clear their throats, and you realize that him sitting up has caused you two to be in a very compromising position. I mean it’s not like you two haven’t been in that position before but not in front of his hyungs. 
Scrambling to stand up you both fall on top of each other causing another dramatic gasp to be released into the air but this one from Taeyong. That’s not the only sound though because you soon hear badly muffled laughs coming from Jeno and Johnny. Jisung helps you stand up and pretty soon Taeyong and Kun join Jaemin in front of you. 
“What were you two doing just a moment ago huh?” Jaemin questions with his hand on his hip and his tongue poking the inside of his mouth. 
Jisung is the first to answer, “I’m pretty sure it was obvious we were kissing- OW” You grab his ear and pull it toward you at his snide remark hissing that now is not the time in his ear. 
“Did you think that because we were gone on a schedule that meant to invite your s/o over and suck each other's face off?” Jaemin questions earning swift nods of agreement from Taeyong and Kun. 
“Well first we weren’t sucking each other's face off. I like to think we were more decent than that-” Jeno interrupts Jisung, “That’s beside the point, the point is...ha. Why were you two haha making out on our couch.
“Jeno is right, Me, Kun and Johnny came over here to hang out with you guys seeing as it’s been a while and we walk in to catch you about to eat your s/o.” 
“And what is this mess on the floor? I about bussed my ass on a highlighter making my way into here.” Kun states
“Jisung was helping me study for my finals next week, and we’ve been studying for the past three hours so we decided to take a break.” You say causing two roars of laughter to finally break the surface. 
“Hahaha t-take kikiki ttt-take a… oh my god you sure took a break alright.” Johnny finally got out while Jeno was still crouched over from laughter 
“This is not funny, they at least could’ve gone to his room.” Taeyong bargains 
“We can do that right now if you want-” You quickly pull his ear again and tell him to just apologize, “I’m sorry.” You both chorus
“Look it’s ok we get it you’re both almost adults and you weren’t doing anything wrong just next time please make sure to do that in your room and not out in the open where someone could walk in.” Johnny reasons picking up the bags and making his way to the kitchen. The other hyungs follow him and leave you and Jisung alone in the living room to clean up the note cards. 
Picking up two highlighters and putting them back in the box Jisung grumbles, “Great, now I’m never gonna hear the end of this.” Looking at you reorganize the cards he thinks in his mind, ‘It was worth it though.’ 
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wisteria-lodge · 4 years ago
a thank you from an unburning lion secondary, with faulty bird model
I’m the lion primary who was doubting itself and who talked their way in your anon box to understanding themselves. You were pretty comprehensive and it was nice to really notice we share primaries xD One thing shocked me and left me O_O was at the end, when I left that commentary about bullies (my school knew me both for my excellent notes and my fights both bcs i couldnt left a situation alone) and you said, wow and a lion secondary.
i was shocked. Like I say this and I remember my earlier years and the problems I’ve always have talking with people and it’s my bluntness and lack of attention to others feelings which had always have my mother scolding me after going out with her or talking with friends or telling her about any interaction. Same with my father. And then I stopped. I started reading, I fell for fanfiction and manga, and lost my childhood friends bcs I coudn’t relate to them, and during all of HS until my second year of university I was so so alone. 
And I didn’t speak out about my feels. I still don’t. Not to my family not to anybody. I felt so guilty, because once upon a time I did whatever I felt and then I learnt that being so intelligent, and open about my feelings and my life was unsensible to people, and then I learnt (justly so I think) that I shoudn’t act without thinking about others. 
But I feel somewhere in the way, I started feeling guilty of being myself. I learnt I’m too much for people. Now I over-analyze every interaction I have; have i overshared anything? Did i let the other talk and express themselves? I do it before taking charge in a group assignment or outing bcs I internalised that they don’t want it, that I’m being annoying reminding them of the tasks or the things we should be doing. 
You need to sweet-talk people, and I’m bad at it and although sometimes it can be funny most often is just plain tiring. And I’m the first surprised when someone is direct about anything. I like so much, so much learning about things, I feel deep inside the correct way of approaching problems should be to consider them from every angle, analyze the facts and the feelings they provoke and then come up with a good solution; I write and I want to investigate everything before starting any story but I’m completely unable to do so. Same with my studies, same with people. 
And then I wing it and it results so much better and it’s frustrating. People say: you’re so good at this, you must study/dedicate so much time to it. And I just do enough to get an intuitive understanding of the concept and then improvise, and I feel like a fake. 
When I have time and I’m methodical, it’s satisfying (better for memorising and studying languages too) but the truth is that I function better when I hit the ground running. I think this society doesn’t like lion secondaries very much unless you’re a shit man. Then is suddenly comprehensible if not appreciated. So I picked a faulty model bird because it’s useful, right? And i like it from time to time.
But I feel like the idea people have of me, about how I act is all bird and it’s stiffling but I let myself go and don’t act in my feels or my thougths because there no reason at all to be myself and I watch myself writing this and wow. Suddenly my mother is telling me why am i not as outgoing as when i was young or my new friends are surprised because my personality changes. Like an onion: outwardly I don’t care about anything, then you discover I’m very intense about lots of things but very nonchalantly (I left clues and you have to pick them, bcs I’m not verbalising you know?), then you never know what I feel about those things except for whatever observation you’ve made. You just know the loudness. My mother tells me I never talk to her about myself, but still she knows how to pick what I feel about people and situations bcs I’m that obvious I guess.
But she was who taught me to think twice bcs nobody wants to feel stupid or wronged (neither do I, I understand). My father never liked who I was; why wasnt I more social, more normal, why did I have to be so strange so openly. (It’s mostly I’m half-sure I fall somewhere in the lower gifted range + maybe some neurodivergence, but in my country they don’t adapt nor care for above average students and a test sounds ridiculous and attention seeking and too expensive when I do fine right now.) 
Can’t deny the lion, but I never talk. Except on internet anonymously. Bcs contradictions are funny and you’re really kind. Again, about the start of this megapost. It was so surprising when you saw directly through that ask to the secondary, that I teared up. Yes, yes, that’s who I am why hasn’t anybody told me it’s ok to be sincere and direct? Why?
I was toying with bird and snake but those are covers. Trying to perform snake when I’m uncomfortable or I haven’t got familiarity with the people and bcs it’s improvising it’s easier, and model bird when I can with all knowledge I don’t even notice I have aquired reading what amounts to tons of wish-fulfilling fantasies. Like. It’s posible to burn a secondary? Bcs I think that’s what’s happened to me. And I’m trying little by little to recover that trust in my actions because I know I’m better that way, that I feel good being direct about things but I’m so afraid of others… Perseverance though!!! 
This sorting system has helped me see that, more than astrology. Mostly, these last years i had a wrong feeling about myself. I think this helped articulate why. This so maudlin omg xD But you received well my semi-creepy murderous self-isolating primary post so. Sorry again, and thank you.
PS: love to anybody who has ever felt like me. Also, mom is def a badger primary, now that i think about it. She really, really likes working with people, meeting with friends, helping them etc. ended up teaching yoga. She is super direct too, so maybe we share the secondary... which is rich, but also why I think she is also strict that sense. Thinking she doesn't want to see me suffering like her + why i frustrate her when i retreat into myself too. good old projection. THE END XD
My dear Lion ~ 
You sound like me. And yes, you will be “too much” for some people. But I promise you. There will be others who love you for exactly that intensity. Putting masses of planning and up-front effort into something doesn’t make the end result any better. I’m a badger secondary, that was a tough realization to have. And it’s okay to be afraid. But you seem on top of this. You’re going to be okay. 
(also, your English is fantastic. Really, really nice use of the word “maudlin.”) 
Good hunting ~ WL
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liberolove · 5 years ago
Testing the Waters (pt. 2)
Summary: youve finally graduated high school and now youre moving on to college. youve decided to go to sendai university. its summer and youve become curious about checking out the dating pool in miyagi, so you download a dating app. you figure you might as well have fun before delving too deep into your studies
Part: [part two] out of ???
Pairings: nishinoya x reader / kuroo x reader / oikawa x reader / kiyoko x reader
A/N: theres tons of ships here, just me living out my hoe phase lmao please dont judge me. let me know what yall think
Genre: fluff, smut, crack
Warnings: flirting, college shinanigans
It’s been three days since the last time you saw Yuu. Gosh, even saying his name to yourself gave you goosebumps. You two have been texting non stop and honestly, it felt so refreshing. You were a pretty bad texter but he knew how to keep the conversation going. 
One of his favorite things to do was play 21 questions with you. He wasn’t like those fuckboys who would use this opportunity to ask you if you were a virgin or what your favorite position was. Yuu was different. He came up with the craziest scenarios and judged you on the way you answered. One time he asked you how you would escape a 300 lb lion that just broke out of the zoo you were visiting. You honestly had no idea how to respond but eventually you replied, 
“I’d make sure to run with a crowd and ‘accidentally’ trip a slow runner so that the lion could get distracted and probably (most likely) attack them. This would buy me some time to get the hell out there.”
This response caught Noya off guard but he loved the way you thought. You continued to come up with barbaric schemes to survive all the scenarios he would throw at you. He kept you guessing and that was what you liked so much about him. He was wild and so were you.
You were getting a little impatient over your next date so you took a deep breath and eventually asked him.
Y/N: Heeey, Yuu. I was wondering when you’d like to go out again. I’d really like to go out with you again.
Nishinoya Yuu: hey cutie! I’ve been wanting to see you again but I haven’t had any days off from work lately.. (; ・`д・´) IM DYING!! I just wanna see yoouuuuu
Y: Aw man.. :( That sucks. When do you think you’ll get your next day off?
N: idk tbh but hopefully it’s soon!!
Y: no worries, just let me know.
N: will do!!
Well, that was that. Now you wondered what you should do to pass the time. You were bored again and needed something to do. “Oh wait. I should check the app. I haven’t checked since I messaged Yuu on there. Maybe I have more matches.”
You opened up the app and you had 10 notifications. You had gotten some likes on the selfie you posted and several people viewed your profile. You checked who looked at your profile, and it was mostly ugly, older, men. “Gross,” you thought to yourself. Besides this, you noticed some new messages. 
You opened up the first message. 
“Hey sexy! Wanna come see me play? Click my link https://…..”
“Damn bots. So annoying.” You deleted the message. Next message:
“I mean like yeah, but you could’ve been less forward in your message. What a turn off..” You had one last notification left. Maybe it wouldn’t be a let down.
“Are you made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon? 'Cause you are F-I-Ne.”
To be honest, this pick up line did make you giggle a little. You checked out the profile of the mysterious stranger who sent it and you were surprised that it was a bulked up biker. And damn, was he hot as hell. 
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His hair stood up in an organized, weird bed head kind of way. It made him look like a rooster. Rather than smile in his photos, he smirked. And his eyes looked like he could undress you solely with his gaze. He looked like your typical bad boy, but that didn’t make sense. Why would he use a chemistry pick up line?
This made you become even more interested, so you replied back with another cheesy pick up line.
Y/N: I wish I were adenine because then I could get paired with U.
Kuroo Tetsuro: Hey, kitten. I thought you’d never reply. You had me waiting.
Y: umm??? calling me kitten already?
K: What’s wrong? Are you flustered already? We haven’t even met up yet.
Y: woah there cowboy! hold your horses
K: I’m not a cowboy, but I’ll gladly have you ride me instead.
Y: skskskks i cant even-
K: Sorry. Too much?
K: Alright. Let me start over. Ahh, a fellow chemist, I presume?
Y: yeaaah, kind of. I have a love/hate relationship with chemistry.
K: Is that so? Maybe I can help with that.
Y: oh really? how so?
K: I am a chemistry major after all. I go to Sendai. Do you go to school?
Y: uhhh i’m going to start there in the fall. I still haven’t decided what to major in, just yet.
K: Maybe you’ll end up being a chemistry major like me and I can give you private one on one lessons? 
Y: I highly doubt that, but nice try. 
K: Have you gotten a tour of the campus yet? Or are you waiting for freshman orientation?
Y: nah, I haven’t seen all of it yet. 
K: Would you like to?
Y: um sure! When are you free for my private tour? (:
K: How about tomorrow in the morning? Maybe around 9am? I can pick you up too if you’d like.
Y: Sounds good and no thanks. I’m not riding on that motorcycle! Looks scary :(
K: Don’t worry, kitten. I’ll drive safely and make sure nothing happens to you.
Y: there you go again.
K: Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. No, but really. I don’t mind picking you up. Have you ever been on a motorcycle before?
Y: nope
K: Then, let’s change that. Send me your address tomorrow morning. And get some rest.
Y: alrighty it’s a plan then!
K: No. It’s a date.
Y: sksksk omg
After that conversation, all you could think about was how the hell did you get into this mess? Motorcycles are dangerous, yet this rooster convinced you so easily to take a ride with him.. 
It was an understatement to say that you were nervous for tomorrow.
You set an alarm for 7 am the next day and went to bed.
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Your alarm woke you up and you immediately remembered why you were awake so early. You rushed into the shower and once you were out, you spent 30 minutes deciding on what to wear. You opted for some black, ripped skinny jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt. 
At 8am on the dot, your phone’s notification bell went off. It was Kuroo.
“What’s your address, baby?”
You sent him the details and continued getting ready. You put on some light makeup and brushed your hair. You checked the time, and it was already 8:55 am. Then, your phone went off again.
“I’m outside.”
Your heart almost beat out of your chest. You grabbed your purse and put on some chapstick. You know, just in case..
You locked up your apartment and walked down the stairs. You were greeted by the biggest shit eating grin on the sexiest man you’d ever seen. You never went for the bad boys but college is a time for experimenting. 
“Hey, Y/N. You ready to ride? I brought an extra helmet for you.”
“Hi, Kuroo. And yeah, I guess,” your voice shook as you replied. You were really nervous but you tried to hide it.
“Don’t worry, baby. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’ll keep you safe.”
His words made you melt and you had just met him. The way he cooed at you and looked your way made you blush. You felt your cheeks get hotter by the second.
“Alright. Hop on and hold on to my waist. Hold on tight or else you’re gonna fly away when I take off. Okay?”
“..okay..” you managed to mutter. You were shaking but you put on the helmet he gave you and lifted up your leg to sit on the metal machine. You slowly hugged Kuroo from behind and held on as tight as you could. Your head was smashed right up against his large, broad back.
“Ready?” he asked.
“..yeah,” you squeaked.
Before you finished saying this, he had taken off like the devil was chasing him. If this was his meaning of safe driving, you didn’t want to find out his meaning of reckless driving.
The ride to Sendai University only took about 5 minutes, when realistically it would take 20 minutes by bus. You arrived and Kuroo teased, “are you going to let go, kitty?”
You hadn’t realized you were still gripping onto him for dear life. You released him from your hold and your hands still tingled from the amount of force you applied to his shirt. “Sorry!”
“No worries. Hey, look! I brought you here alive. Aren’t you glad?” he cackled. 
His laugh sounded like a dying hyena but it did sound a little cute at the same time. “Yeah. Thank goodness. Your driving is insane, dude.”
He showed you all over campus, from the administrative buildings to the gymnasium, to the fields. Sendai was a pretty big campus, and it made you glad that you had a personal guide to show you all the different buildings. 
After your little tour was over, he asked, “wanna grab a bite to eat? I’ll be a gentleman and pay for you too.”
Of course, you couldn’t say no to food. Much less, FREE FOOD! You nodded and got ready to ride the devil’s machinery again.
He took you to a nearby sushi bar. “Order whatever you’d like, princess. Today, I want to spoil you rotten.”
You melted at his words and also at the variety of rolls on the menu. You didn’t ask him if he really meant that you could order anything. You just kind of went for it. You ordered everything from shrimp tempura, to octopus, to eel. Sushi was your favorite and being told that you could order everything was a dream come true.
“Damn, girl! I had no idea you had such a huge appetite!  I didn’t know you’d take me seriously on my offer. You’re gonna run my pockets dry.”
You blushed and looked away. “Sorry, Kuroo. I really couldn’t help myself. I love sushi so much.”
“I’m just teasing you, baby. You deserve to be treated like this everyday.”
You had no idea how to respond so you just kept stuffing your face with sushi.
After you finally had your fill, it was time to go home. It was getting late. Kuroo took you home and you were definitely more relaxed this time on the bike. 
“I hope you had a great time today, kitty. And I hope I met your standards.”
“Yes, I did! Thank you so much, Kuroo! This was honestly so much fun. Thanks for everything.”
“Of course. Nothing but the best for you. I just need one little favor from you, baby.”
“Oh? What is it?”
“Can I get a kiss from your soft lips? I know you want to. I saw the way you kept staring at me, today.”
“Oh.. uhh.. Y-yea-yeah. Sure, of course.. Yeah,” you stammered. 
You looked at him with soft, shy eyes and before you knew it, he leaned in quickly and kissed you on the lips. Your eyes were wide open in surprise but as he deepened the kiss, your eyes slowly shut.
The kiss felt like electricity coursing through your body. You didn’t know what it was, but this man definitely already had you wrapped around his long, slender finger. 
As soon as you realized his hold on you, he backed off, and left you wanting more. He was such a tease.
“I can’t just let you have everything today, kitten. I need you wanting more.”
You didn’t know what to respond so you looked down at the ground shyly. 
“I’ll message you later, y/n. Don’t make me wait too long, again.”
You waved and muttered, “Thank you, Kuroo.”
He revved up his bike and was gone in seconds.
You remained in a daze as you walked back up to your apartment. Once you got inside, you plopped down on your couch and released a long sigh. “Who knew that college was going to be so exciting..”
[link to kuroo pic i found]
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starbuckie · 5 years ago
Some Quarantine Lovin’ Chapter Five: Love is a Many Splendored Thing
Marvel Highschool! AU
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Obscene amounts of fluff, kissing, swearing, kinda a lot of angst
Description: Bucky Barnes is absolutely, no doubt about it, in love with Y/N L/N. He’s loved her since the day he laid eyes on her in the third grade. He loved her when he had his own girlfriend, and when he was barely friends with her for a whole summer. And of course, in his freshman year, they are now stuck together. In a house. During a worldwide quarantine. This should be fun.
Words:  5,207 words
A/N: Hey guys! We’re almost at the end of this series, and I’m a little sad. This was my first ever fic, so it’s always gonna be my baby. This chapter deals with death, mentions of abuse, and a car crash, so if you didn’t see my warning above, and you are triggered by any of these things, please do not read because I don’t want to upset any of you. However, if you do read and find something offensive, please please contact me and I will do my best to fix it, and I don’t mean any harm at all, and am sorry in advance. Also, I listened to this “howlos” playlist while writing this and it is an absolute masterpiece. Moving on from that, thank you so much to my beta @transparentfestivaltiger as always, and thank you for reading!
(also seb looks like a freakin’ baby here)
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Things didn’t change as much as Bucky thought they would after he and Y/N confessed to each other. They still had the same sweet friendship from before, but now they could sneak in a kiss or two, and there were a lot more heated glances and affection. 
As soon as Y/N’s parents had come home that evening, they knew exactly what had happened. Of course, Mary and Charlie L/N had known that the pair of best friends liked each other: it had been obvious since the third grade. Though Y/N and Bucky may have not realized it that early, they had practically been an old married couple since the beginning of their friendship. Now that they were in a “relationship”(or as much of one as they could be in while quarantined together), they weren’t allowed to sleep in the same room together, and they were watched a lot closer. While Bucky blushed and apologized every time Y/N’s parents caught them kissing, Y/N laughed. She knew her parents were happy for her, and frankly, it was adorable to see Bucky turn into a bumbling mess. 
It had only been two weeks into quarantine when they had kissed, so they unfortunately still had to go to classes. Of course, no one else knew about it but their friends, but Bucky wanted to yell it to the world, thus having him proclaim, “I kissed Y/N L/N!” in their physics class, which disturbed Mr. Fury, but he congratulated them nonetheless. Yeah, there was non stop teasing from their classmates after that. 
The weeks kept rolling by, and soon enough, they had a week off of school for spring break, when Bucky took his best girl on a date. The two claimed to be in a relationship, but after Sam pointed out that Bucky had never actually asked Y/N out on a first date, he panicked. With the help of her parents, he managed to pull off a date at Prospect Park, right by the big lake. Bucky had insisted on being a “proper gentleman” like his mama has taught him, and went so far as to pick Y/N up from the front door, which her parents swore was the cutest thing they had ever seen. He made his mom’s old pumpkin pancake recipe, and they had breakfast for lunch, sitting in the grass, just talking for hours, and trying to refrain from removing their masks so they could make out with each other. Once it had finally hit evening, they walked hand in hand on the way back to her house and spent the rest of the night watching movies and cuddling.
After that, the duo wanted to spend the rest of spring break catching up on sleep that they had missed, but Y/N’s mom forced them to wake up at eight in the morning every day that week to get exercise. Neither of them were pleased. However, as much as they disliked the exercise, it gave them a chance to be alone. Y/N and Bucky went on tons of walks around Brooklyn, strolling down memory lane as they found someplace that they had forgotten about from when they were younger. It was nice for the two of them to just talk about their futures and how much the virus would affect it. 
Spring break was unwillingly coming to an end, but Mr. L/N refused to let either one of the students be seen in online classes until they had cut their hair. Sure, it was only mid-April, but Bucky’s hair had turned into a messy flop of brown hair that fell just past his ears. While Y/N opted to cut her hair herself(which resulted in a choppy, uneven cut that Bucky and her family made fun of), Bucky asked Y/N to cut it for him.
“Are you sure, Buck?” She chided. “You saw how mine came out, and you make fun of it, yet you still ask me to do it?”
The messy-haired boy sat in a chair in the bathtub, in just his boxers, holding a spray bottle of water. “Y/N, your hair may look like shit,” he grinned at her face of mock offense, “But I trust you completely with mine. Plus, you’ll actually be looking at it while you cut.”
“I was looking when I did my hair!” Y/N argued.
Bucky laughed at her exasperation. “If you were looking in the mirror while cutting that, it makes it so much more sad.” She scoffed at his witty comeback and snipped off a piece of his hair. “Hey, give me a warning!”
“Sorry, baby,” she giggled. “Are you ready now?” With a deep exhale and nod of his head, Y/N took the spray bottle from his hands and began to dampen his hair. It didn’t take too long, just a few quick snips by the base of his neck, and she considered it done, and a hell of a lot less scruffy looking. She had spent her last day of break looking at styles and instructions on how to cut hair on Pinterest, and while she knew she wasn’t a professional, she thought she did pretty damn well.
“Okay, Buck, you can look now.” Y/N handed him a small compact mirror, and he dramatically squeezed his eyes shut. Rolling her eyes at his reaction, she said, “Come on, quit being a drama queen. I think you look very handsome.”
Finally, Bucky opened his eyes and looked at his shorter cut. She was right, it didn’t look too bad, and he looked less “homeless” as her father had called it. Running a hand through his freshly cut hair, he grinned, but stopped after taking in her words. “Was I not handsome before, doll?” He wore a small frown on his face, which Y/N kissed off.
“Buck, you’re always handsome, don’t be silly.”
He smirked and pulled her onto his lap. “I know.”
She leaned her head down on his shoulder and whispered, “Cocky bastard.” He delivered a pinch to her hip, which made her yelp. Grinning, he kissed her and she turned in his lap to straddle him. Her hands slipped into his freshly cut hair and tugged, making him moan a little into her parted lips. During their make out, however, they didn’t hear the footsteps of Mrs. L/N, and only looked up when they heard her groan. 
“Good lord, can you two not keep your hands off of each other for five goddamn seconds?” Y/N quickly got up from Bucky’s lap under her mom’s careful watch. “Ria is on the phone, right now, but I’ll tell her to call back.”
At the mention of her older sister, Y/N jumped out of the bathtub. “No! No, I'm here, let me talk to her!” She scrambled to get to the phone, but slipped on the bath mat and landed on the tile with an “oof”. Bucky, being the protective boyfriend he was, immediately got up and ran to her.
“Are you okay, doll?” Her nose was a little red from bumping it on the ground, but she grinned nonetheless. Ria’s laughter could be heard over the phone, and her mom was trying very hard to stifle her laughter. With a quick nod, she took Bucky’s hand and got up.
“I’m great! Ria, you’re a little shit.” The girl stalked over to the phone and started talking and squabbling animatedly with her sister on the call. 
Bucky and Mrs. L/N took one look at each other and started cracking up together. She pulled him into a hug, and whispered, “You make her so happy, Bucky. Thank you so much.”
He looked up to this mother figure of his and shook his head. “No. Thank you, Mrs. L/N, for being so happy for us. To be honest, I didn’t think you or Mr. L/N would be too happy ‘cuz of my father.”
The older woman frowned at Bucky and looked at him dead in the eyes. “You have nothing to feel guilty about, Bucky. Your father doesn’t define you as a person and trust me, James, you are the best kid that I know. You take good care of your little sister and all who you love, and every day I think about how lucky your mother was that she got to have a kid like you.”
Bucky’s eyes started to fill with tears, but he managed to whisper out a “thank you” with a croaky voice. Dropping a kiss to his forehead, Mrs. L/N walked away, leaving him with a sad smile on his face until Y/N popped her head back into the bathroom.
“Buck! Ria wants to talk to us both! She misses you a ton.” He wiped the tears from his eyes, which Y/N noticed, but didn’t mention, and went to grab his hand to walk to her bedroom and talk to Ria.
School started again the next day, leaving the six students in their friend group complaining and nearly on the verge of crying within the first two classes. They didn’t have finals this year, but teachers still assigned them “tests”, which really were the same thing with a different name. 
As it grew closer and closer to the end of the year, it became hotter and hotter, Y/N and Bucky becoming sweaty messes in their study rooms. One particular early May afternoon, Y/N sat in her bedroom, waiting for her play rehearsal to start. This year, they were (going) to put on a production of Steve Martin’s Picasso at the Lapin Agile. She was cast as Freddy, the local Parisian bartender, so she was working on her accent with her lines from her script.
“Yeah, well, we're all writers, aren't we? He's a writer that hasn't been published, and I'm a writer who hasn't written anything.” Y/N spoke loudly. From behind her, she heard a booming laugh.
Bucky stood in her doorway, grinning, no shirt on due to the blaring hot weather. “If that was your French accent, then you definitely need to keep working on it.”
He walked into the room, swooping down to place a kiss on Y/N’s awaiting lips. His arms would’ve wrapped themselves around her shoulders, but she quickly pushed him back. Chucking at his frowning expression, she said, “It is way too hot to be hugging me right now, but we can settle for a romantic high five.”
“A what?” 
She sighed like it was the most obvious thing. “Well, as much as I would love to, I cannot hug you right now because it’s too hot. What I can offer you, however, is a romantic high five. A high five that says, we’re not just friends, but we’ve been dating for about a month and it’s not just platonic.”
Amused expression on his face, he plopped himself down on her bed. “And how would one share a ‘romantic high five’ with their ridiculously beautiful girlfriend?” Grinning, she walked over to him and gave him a high five while kissing him. He smiled against her lips, and asked, “Like that?”
With one more peck, she sat back in her seat and picked up her phone. “Exactly like that.” They were fools who were completely, and utterly in love with each other, though neither of them had said it to the other yet. Lovesick smiles painted on their faces, they both sat staring at each other until Mrs. L/N suddenly broke into the room, wide eyes teary and a frown on her face. Both of the kids looked to each other, then at the mom. 
“Mom, what is it?” It was concerning for Y/N to see her mom in this panicked state, considering that her mom was well put together, and she had only seen her break down on a few occasions. 
She turned to Bucky, and with a small voice, said, “It's your father, Bucky. He’s gotten into a crash.”
That was all that was left in the room. When Bucky’s heartbeat stopped pounding, he could hear his harsh breathing and see Y/N in front of him, her hand covering his heart. “James, can you hear me? You passed out.” Her hand moved to his cheek to wipe off tears he hadn’t even known were falling. “My mom’s getting Becca into the car so we can go to the hospital, though I told her you might not want to go right now. He’s going to be in surgery for the next few hours, but it’s whatever you need, okay, James? Whatever you need.”
He sat up, grabbing Y/N’s hands and squeezing on to them tight. “I want to go.” Though Bucky was worried, he pulled himself together on the outside. Goddamn it, Barnes, he thought, pull yourself the fuck together. He knew he was being too harsh on himself, but it was part of his nature, and he couldn’t get rid of the nagging voice in his head telling him to do better. “I’ll go put a shirt on and meet you guys in the car. Do your parents have masks?” Y/N nodded, tears in her eyes, and placed a featherlight kiss to his forehead before he left.
He grabbed a hoodie from the guest room, and turned to leave, but saw Becca’s baby animal book. It had been his before, something his mom would read to him to calm him down, and he saw it as his comfort object. Snagging it from the bedside table, he ran through the halls and out the door, where he saw Mr. and Mrs. L/N sitting in the front, and Y/N waiting for him with the car door open on the left side. He and Y/N climbed into the back seat and strapped themselves in, trapping Becca in her car seat in between the two teens. 
Becca’s pretty blue eyes were teary, and she whimpered quietly, almost as if she knew what was going on around her. She was just one year old, still so innocent, and wasn’t even aware that her father never looked after her, or beat her mother before she had died giving birth to her. Bucky grabbed onto her foot softly, an action that consoled Becca’s quiet cries. 
The car rumbled beneath them, and Y/N looked over to Bucky on the other side of the car. His face was stoic, staring out of the window with a sheen of calm surrounding him. His eyes weren’t teary anymore, but she could see the storm that was brewing beneath them. She knew that he was worrying a lot, his thoughts probably a jumbled mess of negativity, and underlying guilt. It wasn’t his fault, not even close, but she knew for a fact he was blaming himself anyway. She reached over to lay her palm over the hand that was holding Becca’s foot, and Bucky looked over to Y/N’s eyes, and gave her a small, sad smile. 
The rest of the car ride was silent, Y/N’s parents choosing to say nothing, knowing that Bucky didn’t want to talk. He would always get closed off with his emotions during hard times, and it took him a very long time to open up about his feelings. When the New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital came into view, Bucky’s heart started to beat at an alarming rate. 
“Y/N, Bucky, how about we drop you off at the front, okay? Tell them that you are his son, they’ll help you.” Y/N’s mom was facing them, trying to remain calm. Bucky nodded, and when they pulled up to the front, the two students worked together to get Becca out of her seat and jump out of the car. Y/N hoisted the small baby up onto her hip as Bucky grabbed her hand and led them inside the doors. 
The light was an unnatural blinding white, and people surrounded the waiting room with masks on. There were people sleeping, people tapping their feet nervously, and people looking like they would love nothing more than to get out of the room. Briskly, the two marched up to the reception desk. Surprisingly, it was Bucky who spoke up.
“Excuse me, ma’am, my name is James Barnes, I’m the son of George Barnes, and I believe he’s in surgery right now. His contacts are the same for all of us, and I think you called a Mary L/N to inform us of the accident.”
The pretty blonde at the desk looked surprised at the straightforward greeting from the young boy, but she just adjusted her mask over her nose a bit more and nodded. After a few seconds of typing, she turned to the side and grabbed a file of paperwork. “Hi James, my name is Tina, and I’m a nurse here. Your dad is going to be in surgery for about an hour more I believe, but here’s the paperwork that you or Mrs. L/N are going to need to fill out. If you have any questions, you can come ask me.”
With a quick thank you to Tina, the three children went to go sit in the back of the waiting room, where a small cluster of seats stood. Y/N texted her mom to let her parents know that they had made it inside quickly while Bucky started filling out the forms. “Wait, Y/N, can you ask your mom to bring the book that’s sitting in the backseat?” 
He knew it was trivial, but he really needed that book. Y/N could see the pleading in his eyes, and nodded without question. She would have to ask him later. “Of course, James.” She always called him James during serious moments, knowing that it was what his mom called him, and it soothed him a lot. He continued to fill out the information he knew on the papers. About ten minutes later, Mr. and Mrs. L/N came in, masks on and book in hand from the parking lot. There was only one seat left, so Mr. L/N let his wife sit as he stood and looked around the area. 
It was surprisingly very quiet for the next hour and a half. Bucky had finished the paperwork with the help of Mrs. L/N within thirty minutes, but he spent the rest of his time assuring Steve’s family he was okay on a phone call and reading the baby book to Becca over and over again. 
“Not a hot dog; my hot dog.” Bucky spoke in a higher pitched voice than normal. He was always gentle with his little sister, wanting her to know that he was a calming, caring presence in comparison to his loud father. Becca pointed to the pigeon holding a hot dog on the page, giggling and spouting nonsensical baby gurgles. 
Y/N smiled at the two, and closed her eyes while listening to Bucky read the children’s book. Though he had read it numerous times in their time in the waiting room, his soothing voice just lulled her to sleep even more. She hummed a song under her breath, and let sleep take over her. 
“Mary L/N! Is there a Mary L/N in here?” A nurse dressed in baby blue scrubs and a mask entered the waiting room and Bucky shot out of his chair. Y/N rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and brought Becca closer to her chest. As Y/N’s mom raised her hand, the nurse walked towards them. “Can I talk to you alone please?”
Bucky and Y/N looked at each other with confusion written on their faces, but Mrs. L/N answered the kind nurse before Bucky could open his mouth. “Of course, lead the way.”
He knew what this meant. There was no other reason that the nurse would ask to speak to the parent alone, and his heartbeat started speeding up again. A lump rose in his throat, and he was barely able to say, “Can I hold my sister please?” Y/N nodded, knowing what the nurse and her mom were talking about as well. She handed the now quiet baby over to his shaking hands, and looked into his eyes. 
They didn’t even shed a tear.
Bucky could barely remember walking down the white hallways, turning the corner, taking deep breaths and holding onto Mrs. L/N’s hand. Y/N and her dad weren’t allowed in, as they were trying to keep as low of a number as possible inside the room, so he didn’t have the comfort of his girlfriend being there with him as he faced one of his greatest fears. 
The room was quiet when they entered, another nurse and a doctor standing at the foot of the bed where George Barnes lay. His eyes were shut from what Bucky could see, but his head was bruised and covered in a bandage, most likely covering a shaved head and gaudy scars. “He was drunk, James, he didn’t have control, and the other car didn’t see him either. He had serious trauma to the head, and a broken wrist when he entered surgery. George was in critical condition when he was brought in, but he died in surgery. I’m sorry.”
Bucky managed to nod numbly and look down at his dad. He didn’t know what to say to him. “We’ll give you a few minutes alone.” The nurses and doctor shuffled out of the room and Mrs. L/N placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder.  
“Do you want me to leave, James?” Again, he softly nodded without a word and didn’t look up as her footsteps echoed away in the empty room. Bucky secured his arms around Becca better as he walked over to take his father’s cold hand.
Bucky could only hear his heartbeat, as all the monitors were off. Even his little sister was quiet, her small squirms nonexistent. He took a few deep breaths through his mouth,and let them out through his nose. His blue eyes focused on his father’s hands, ones that used to bring him so much pain and suffering, that now laid limp and still. Finally, Bucky let out the three words that he had never heard back from his father. 
“I love you.” Pause. Becca started moving around again, but he shushed her gently. “I think that’s all that needs to be said. Goodbye.”
He placed a soft kiss on his dad’s temple, and left quickly. As soon as he opened the door, he pushed past all the people waiting for them to be done and made his way back to Y/N in the waiting room. He could hear the doctor calling his name after, but Mrs. L/N must have stopped him because he stopped hearing it after a while. Y/N stood up when she saw Bucky, but he silently grabbed her hand and led them outside. Glancing over her shoulder, she shooed her dad away, and followed him outside.
She didn’t speak until they were back in the car. They had walked around for a while, realizing they didn’t know where it was. Settling into their seats, Y/N took the bottle of hand sanitizer from the front seat cup holder and squeezed some into both of their hands. “Are you okay, James?” 
He looked at her with a straight face. “Yeah.” She frowned with his short answer, but she knew he wasn’t telling the whole truth.
“Bucky, you know it’s okay to cry, it’s just me here. It’s okay to let your emotions out sometimes. You can talk to me, like always.” She reached over to take his hand, but he moved it away. She knew it was just part of what he was feeling, but she couldn’t help but to feel hurt either way. 
“I don’t need to let my emotions out, I’m fine,” he responded in a clipped voice. Y/N nodded softly and placed her hand on Becca’s foot, wondering what had happened. Sure, Bucky had had times where he wouldn’t talk to anyone, but eventually she would always be able to get to the bottom of it and support him. This new, closed off feeling from him was different for her, and she didn’t know what had gone wrong. It was quiet for the next twenty minutes as they waited for Y/N’s parents, and even then they barely spoke. As soon as they got back to the house in Brooklyn Heights, Bucky took Becca and immediately went to their room. Y/N let out a dejected sigh and started to head to her room to email the director of her play, when her mom stopped her. 
“Honey, give him some time, okay? He’s just lost his father, and I know that he doesn’t like to talk about his feelings, but it’s different now. Both of his parents have passed, and it’s a really big change for him.” She brought her daughter into a hug and dropped a kiss on her cheek before retiring to her room. Y/N walked into her room, flopping on her bed, quiet tears for her boyfriend rolling down her face.
Bucky didn’t attend dinner that night, which was okay with the rest of them. Y/N was still having a hard time not going to his room and smothering him in sweet nothings and hugs, but she understood that he needed time to process the past few hours. Her mom was right: it was a huge change. He was now orphaned, and only fifteen. Eventually, he’d need new guardians, and none of his close family was alive, and his other relatives from Romania probably had no clue he existed.
At around one in the morning, when Y/N’s parents had fallen asleep, Y/N crept out of her room quietly to check on Bucky. The door creaked a bit when it opened, giving her a view of her boyfriend sitting cross-legged on the bed, shoulders shaking from his silent sobs. He looked up upon hearing the door open, and wiped his tears off as fast as he could. “Hey, doll.”
She didn’t say anything but simply pushed him back down onto the bed gently and wrapped her arms around him. It took a few seconds, but the tears started falling again, his crying quiet. Y/N just held him for a few minutes, as he let out his tears, and rubbed his chest soothingly. When he was done, he kissed her gently and said, “Thank you.” It took another few moments, but he started talking soon enough. “I shouldn’t be sad. Right? I mean, he’s the man who hit me and my ma relentlessly, and all my life has been nothing but hell because of him. I should be fucking celebrating right now. Right?”
His watery blue eyes stared into hers, and she sighed, taking Bucky’s hands and bringing them to a sitting position. “I think it makes sense.” Y/N whispered.
Makes sense? It made no sense to him. “How can you say that?” He questioned incredulously. “This man treated us like shit, he blamed Becca for my mom’s death, he would hit me, tell me I’m not good enough,and I still worked my ass off for him. He didn’t love us! And after all the shit he put us through, put me through, why do I still care? Why do I still love him? It doesn't make sense.” Hot tears slipped down his face again, as he whispered, “It doesn’t make sense.”
He started to cry again, and Y/N pulled his head into the crook of her neck as his arms latched like vices around her torso. Running her fingers through his short brown hair, she said, “It may not make sense to you, but no matter what, as horrible as he was, that man is still your father. What he did to you was evil, pure evil, it truly was, but I can understand why after everything you’ve been through, you still love him. It doesn’t make you less of a man or weak. It makes you stronger, and I can’t be more proud of the person you’ve become since I met you. You have nothing to feel sorry for, James Buchanan Barnes. This is not your fault. None of this is.”
She moved her lips to his, and they moved against each other languidly. “I love you, James.”
His eyes opened, and hers watered up at her confession. “I love you too, Y/N.” They brought their lips together again, her thumbs rubbing small circles onto his cheekbones as they breathed each other in. When they finally pulled away, Bucky had the smallest of smiles playing across his lips. “Thank you, Y/N.”
Y/N made sure Bucky was staring at her directly, and she spoke with a firm voice. “Whatever comes next, we’ll get through it together. I promise, James.” Pressing his lips against hers one more time, he grabbed his phone off the stand and started to swipe through it. “Are you okay, Buck? You need anything? We can talk more if you need.”
Opening Spotify, he opened his “Slow Dance with Y/N” playlist. “I Can’t Believe That You’re In Love With Me” by Billie Holiday started playing, and Y/N knew exactly what he was doing. Bucky had had the playlist since the sixth grade, when he first bought his phone with the money he earned from babysitting, and the pair had danced to it numerous times before he had started dating Dot. But he didn’t even play that with her. No, this one was for his best girl, no matter what. Y/N was too special to share with anyone. Offering her his left hand with a shy grin, Y/N smiled big with an eye roll and graciously accepted it.
“Oldies music again, Bucky?” She was teasing him, and he knew it as well. Y/N absolutely adored this playlist, that he made just for the two of them, with her entire heart. Pulling her flush against his chest, his right hand coming to rest on her waist, he kissed her hair lightly.
“Well, you have always called me old fashioned, sweetheart.” He twirled her around, her giggling as they danced around the room. Becca slept soundly in the crib and the moonlight illuminated their faces. “I think this song fits in well right now.”
Y/N sighed, letting her eyes close. “It really does.” After a few seconds, she remembered her previous question that had gone unanswered and asked again. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about anything else, Buck?”
“I think I’m done, doll. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Just wanna dance with you.”
And he did, softly dancing barefoot, with the occasional twirl, until falling asleep hours later. When Y/N’s parents came to check in on them the next morning, they smiled seeing their daughter and the boy she loved so dearly wrapped around each other, quiet snores escaping the both of them.
@transparentfestivaltiger​ @barnesjamcs​ @kitkatd7​ @adorkably​
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jbbuckybarnes · 5 years ago
Professor Sugar - 7/7
Pairing: Student!Reader x Professor!Bucky Description: Like tons of other students you struggle with finances, but you can’t get any aid since your parents are filthy rich. The system doesn’t care that they broke off contact after you came out as bisexual. There is, however, someone else that cares. The prof of your class on PTSD and trauma. Professor Barnes. Warnings: 18+, f/m smut, secret relationship, not beta read.
Professor Sugar Masterlist // Masterlist
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New beginnings
You took the final in his class with a jumper of his hugging your body for support. The thoughts going into it were neutral. You had studied a lot, but you also didn‘t want to get your hopes up too high. The week before finals and the week he graded them were almost without contact. You understood that. Both of you didn‘t want to feel like you were cheating the system. Only sleeping in his shirts really helped to not go crazy during that time.
With weak knees you went to his apartment the day grades were announced on the school‘s online platform. They went up right when you were at his front door and he would either have to calm you down or celebrate with you. Mobile data really was absolute shit in this city. Why did you not wait until the grades went online with going outside. Oh, yeah, celebration or makeup sex. The damn loading bar on top of your browser was killing you as you got out at your station. Once you were in the proximity of his WiFi it loaded fully. Your eyes went wide and you wanted to collapse and yell at the same time. A-. You ran up the stairs and got the door opened in an instant before falling into his arms. „I. Am. So. Proud. Of. You.“ He said kissing you after every word. A happy squeal left you as you grabbed his face to kiss him thoroughly. While he closed the door behind you he also grabbed you closer. There was not even a millimeter of space between the two of you. He couldn‘t keep his hands off you. Your shirt flew somewhere into the direction of his couch, his somewhere onto the kitchen floor. Your bra was removed in one go before his thumbs went under your panties and janked both your leggings and panties down to your thighs. He looked into your eyes for a second, panting heavily, „Nope, won‘t make it to the bed.“ You were picked up and pushed onto the kitchen counter, the rest of your clothes taken off before you heard his. „Hmm, full circle.“ You hummed as he came up above you. „I had to keep this from you for a week.“ He growled as his kisses went down your neck. „Oh, so your primal touch comes from that and not from you missing my-“ You were silenced with a harsh, passionate kiss and a deep push making your back arch up. „Missed you so much, so proud of you.“ His mouth claimed yours again as he started thrusting into you. „Knew you‘d wing it.“ He grumbled before moaning. There were little bites into your neck and shoulder that bathed you in a new nuance of bliss. „Finally all mine.“ He growled. He was celebrating that you weren‘t his student anymore. No more subtle guilt. „Ho-ly shit.“ You panted before moaning out again. „Uh-hu. That‘s my girl.“ He panted before thrusting harder, making you scream out. „Oh fuck.“ You squirmed in his tight grasp on you. „C‘mon. Show me you‘re mine.“ He growled down at you. He needed the satisfaction of claiming you as his now. This wasn‘t just some student and professor having the hots for each other and one helping the other financially anymore. This was passion and love. His hips stuttered as your head fell back with a loud moan and a deep scratch of his back. His warmth was following shortly, before he settled there for a moment. „Looks like we should clean the counter.“ You giggled and went through his hair as he came up a bit to look at you. „Mine. Mine. Mine.“ He kissed the corners of your lips and your nose with that. „Yours.“ You whispered while going over his beard. He got off the kitchen counter shortly after, making you see the mess you made with him. „Hm, not bad.“ You shrugged. „Want me to do better? ’Cause I‘m not finished with you, darling.“ He smirked a little evil before swooping you up and bringing you to his bed. There was another round of passionate and intense sex before you changed to sweet lovemaking. You opened your eyes two hours later. You both had fallen asleep from all the physical activities and you really needed the nap after all those weeks of studying. You grabbed a pair of his briefs, his giant hoodie from the armchair in his bedroom and your socks from the kitchen floor. The other clothes laying around the apartment were put into a neat pile and placed on top of his washing machine. You cleaned up the countertop and proceeded to stalk his fridge. There was a little box of donuts with a „For you“ in his handwriting on it. He really was a cute dork through and through when he wasn‘t in professor mode or putting you through the mattress. You grabbed the box and sat back down on the countertop, ignoring the bar stools as per usual. A hum behind you got you out of your thoughts. He was leaning against the frame of the bedroom door and looked at you with a content smile. „You look the best in my clothes.“ He said with his soft and grumbly sleep voice. „You look good...naked.“ You eyed him, still chewing on a chocolate donut with chocolate filling. „I‘ll put on something. Can‘t have you attached to me all day.“ He chuckled turning around. „Yes, you can. Especially with that ass.“ You commented, mouth still full of food. „You‘ll get to see it as many times as you want. Just need to be wearing something to give you something else.“ You heard him from his closet. „If it isn‘t an orgasm I‘m not interested.“ You yelled over and heard him laugh. In briefs and a hoodie himself he came out of the bedroom with a box in his arms. „Where did that come from?“ You raised a brow, letting the last bit of the donut vanish into your mouth. „I think you were too busy moaning your heart out to see this in my closet.“ He sent you sly smile before setting it down on the coffee table and waiting for you to come over to the couch. „Well, let‘s see if this compares to your hard work.“ You smirked and sat down next to him and heard a deep inhale and exhale. „So...I know we have been talking about this whole thing of me buying you stuff and that you didn‘t want to feel like you were just sleeping with me to get things from me. So I saved up all the things I bought you in between until the end of the semester. Which is right now.“ He explained all innocent and cute. „So I just put my moans into a savings account...is what you‘re telling me?“ You grinned before laughing out loud with him. „I mean...kinda. Hey, look, I love buying you things. Not because you have sex with me, but because I genuinely like spending time with you and because I want to see you grow as a human being.“ He explained a little more serious. „Sugar Daddy with feelings.“ You whispered with a smile. „I‘d be pretty upset if you would‘ve managed to fake all of this.“ He chuckled. „I‘m not. If I could do that, I already would‘ve had my try at this whole sex for money kinda thing. I mean, I‘m a desperate college student.“ You laughed, „But I guess not anymore, ’cause you already helped me so much with little things.“ You thought about that little study account idea he had in the beginning of the semester.  By now it had grown to a few thousand people and you were starting to get things offered as well as people asking you for products, telling you how to make them, making new friends in the process. You leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek. „Open it.“ His demeanor was soft. Softer than usual. You grabbed the box closer and undid the bow around it. There must be tons of things in there unless he bought something incredibly big. You flipped open the lid and stopped breathing for a second, „Wow.“ „There is an order to it too,“ he announced proudly and got out the first three things. „Toys,“ you commented dryly and looked at him, „Why did you wait with those? I just spent two weeks without your d-...whatever, let me see them.“ „Hmm.“ You read through each description on the box. One of them was something one of your friends kept talking about, so that was a good sign. The other two would need a thorough testing. „Well, we won‘t get sleep tonight...or, well, I will, after these prove to be good.“ You grinned at him and got a kiss behind your ear with a deep chuckle. He handed you the next packaging, „The rosegold headphones I‘ve been talking about!“ You could see in his eyes how much he bathed in the feeling of making your face light up like this. You unpacked the headphones and ran through the entire apartment to get it to charge somewhere. „So, there‘s been that thing you kept talking about whenever we were driving over here from campus…“ He held up a H&M bag and set it down between you both. „You..bought me the teddy bear material jacket.“ You gave him full puppy eyes for that. Your heart just started exploding at how much he listened to the little things on the side. „You will look gorgeous in it.“ He smiled and gave you a kiss. „Will you take pictures of me in it?“ You asked all giddy about it and got a big nod back. Then he got out four big books and set them down on your lap. „All the books from the author of the Pentagon book?“ You jumped and wiggled on the couch cushion. „With audio book codes,“ he announced super proud of himself. „My god. I‘m not sure if you can top that.“ You said hugging the books. He made a gift card appear between two of his fingers. The little logo on it spelling IKEA. „$700 IKEA gift card...bought it after we managed to get that noise complaint. You can buy a bed or a closet with it. Or a stupid amount of decorations.“ He started chuckling at your frozen body with the shocked face. „SEVEN-HUNDRED-DOLLARS. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND?“ You threw yourself backwards against the cushions. „Yes, I am.“ He chuckled and dragged you back up. „You can also spend it helping others...if that‘s what you wanna do,“ he said still holding onto your hands gently. „But that‘s it, right?“ You looked at him frowning a little. „Well…“ He scratched his back and chuckled at your head falling into your hands. „Only two more things.“ He finally let you know. The next thing was brought out, jewelry box, flat, a bit bigger. He opened it to reveal a necklace with a little plate. „Wait…“ You tried to process and looked up. „Had part of my old tags redone for this necklace. I want you to know how much you mean to me. I wouldn‘t just give this to anyone. That thing is what makes me feel pain and safety,“ He picked it up, „And you don‘t have to wear it, but it would mean the world to me if you did.“ You sat there with your mouth so wide open that your jaw started hurting, „I‘m- Wow- This is- Yes, of course I‘ll wear it.“ You nodded heavily as his demeanor changed to a more relaxed one and he carefully put the necklace around your neck. „And the last gift kinda comes with that one.“ He mumbled and got out the last gift, also a small box, a little less jewelry-box-looking. He handed it to you and you carefully opened it. There was a key in it, a key with a „B“ stamped into it at the top. „This is also your home now, if you want it to.“ He said almost shy. For some reason this didn‘t feel fast moving. Yes, this thing had only been going on for around 3 months, but it just felt right the entire time. You had the right chemistry, you talked a lot, you just got each others‘ brains and your morals matched. „This place isn‘t my home, Bucky. You are,“ you whispered. It was true, since you both hit it off you were worrying less about the future and your place in the world.
He grabbed your hands again and cleared his throat before looking at you. „I just knew you were different the second you came up to that desk and asked me for suggestions like the biggest, most determined, nerd. You seemed so interesting and you just sounded like an unpolished crystal the more we talked. So I started looking forward to talking to you in my office twice a week...and I guess it kinda clicked along the way. And it kinda clicked again recently, when I realized you wouldn‘t be a student anymore that I would have to hide to protect. My god, I‘m so completely and utterly in love with you. So much love shouldn‘t even be allowed. I‘ve never been so happy and so far away from all my bad thoughts. Thank you for being you, darling. I love you.“ He opened up his heart to you. Your face lit up, „I feel the same. So much lighter, less misplaced, like I have more purpose. I feel the way you make me grow, okay? I love the little soft and nerdy bits you show of yourself. Or the lovey dovey things like right now. I love all of it. I love YOU!“ He grabbed your face and gave you one of the softest kisses you shared until now. „Let‘s take this as a new beginning and actually start living now. No dumb second thoughts because of the educational system.“ He mumbled against your lips. „Yes, a new beginning.“ You smiled staring into his storm blue eyes. Maybe you‘d manage to graduate how you wanted to, get a good job, or maybe make money from that study account and those products, buy a house with him and have your little happy ever after. You looked forward to that. You finally looked forward to the future.
M a s t e r l i s t
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prometheanglory · 4 years ago
HIIIIIII VYYY 14, 15, 34 and 35 pls 😳😳😳😳
14. Owns a motorcycle
berkeley: do dirtbikes count as motorcycles???? it’s berk’s 3rd uncle’s bike, but he doesn’t really want or need it anymore so he passed off the old thing to berkeley and chase (and technically the other houndstooth siblings too, but they’re not old enough to ride responsibly yet in meemaw’s eyes)
chase: same bike as berkeley. they usually share the responsibility of fixing up the ol’ thing but it’s mainly berkeley who rides it anyway.
flint: his cousin told him to fix the bike — the cousin got bored of the bike and never came back for it so it’s his now. he doesn’t really extensively use it, but sometimes he uses it to pop by the houndstooth residency or when he has to go on a quick run to town.
lola: a rickety old teal scooter that has been through hell and back (read: lola’s vehicular abuse). it is covered with a variety of stickers, dents, and scratches but it still works! and in the times that it doesn’t want to work, a good kick usually gets it running again!
ulysses: he has it for the land excursions of the finn family affairs — he doesn’t like to spend extensive time with his parents, so he managed to get a bike to avoid being stuck in a car with them while he’s stuck on land. very nice and sleek model, very refined — it’s maroon color and surprisingly enough, no scratches or dents.
vinh: surprise ! the deity has a motorcycle! it’s generally only for her little ‘adventures’ off the mountain and she is obligated to conceal more of her identity when she wants to go about riding it — but nonetheless, it exists and the head patriarch Does Not know about it. it’s a sportsbike and by her mother’s request, it’s got a matte-black finish (and a matching helmet) and in her father’s words, it is a very attractive bike.
15. Is book smart
cordell: spent his entire life indoors and doing nothing but studying. you should hope that it pays off... (and it does ! especially in biology. sometimes his grades in other classes suffer because he is just, not at all interested in paying any sort of attention at times.)
flint: what were u expecting?? of course he’s a picture perfect honor student with impeccable grades and consistently goes above and beyond teacher’s expectations. (cough: nerd.)
marian(?): he fails a lot of his tests because he doesn’t want to look like a nerd — but the fact remains that he is a genius magus who knows much more than he lets on.
ronaldo: he’s certainly no idiot and even if he doesn’t put a lot of effort into his studies, he hates failing and despises being treated like he can’t take care of himself. he exerts the bare minimum into his studies and certainly does prove that his brain is much more adept than his slacker persona would let us believe. wonder what would happen if he actually did try though.
sarge: a genius in many aspects, if you will. he grasps onto a variety of course materials very easily and he’s a very well-read student who clearly dabbles in a wide-variety of literature. what he lacks in brawn, it seems that he has... certainly tipped the scales with brain. he doesn’t particularly care much for being very studious though, he just does as he will.
ulysses: a very academically strong student with near perfect grades — but that doesn’t really mean much because ulysses is still incredibly lacking in a great deal of common sense.
vinh: a dedicated academic who’s devoted a great deal of her life to being educated and well-informed, would it really be a shock to anybody that she’s incredibly book smart?
xuehai: he’s learned a great deal from his royal private tutors and marian, but he has also done a good amount of self-guides studies on his own. he is incredibly well-read and well-versed in a number of subjects, notably those of philosophy and magical theories.
(hi u said pick any # i wanted since 34 was already done so im doing...) 27. Loves children
berkeley: he’s helped rear a shit ton of kids, he’s got so much experience with wrangling kids that it’s like second nature to him now! he’s a pretty childish guy himself, but he sorta always adopts a clumsy big-bro persona around kids yknow? someone who’ll be an idiot with you, but you can definitely rely on!
chase: bad experiences aside, he likes kids overall still. they’re cute sometimes yknow. snotty, yeah — but that’s normal. he gets along well with toddlers and the way they just, keep on talking about random things. he definitely listens to them about whatever it is that they’re blabbering about. it’s nice.
lola: kids can be so energetic, what’s not to love! she may be a bad influence in all technicalities but that doesn’t mean she’s a monster! she likes it when people rely on her or at least, look up to her? talks with them about whatever the hell they want, takes them on lil adventures, and 100% would beat the snot out of whoever tries to bother them.
sarge: he adores children! so curious and intuitive, he loves teaching them and entertaining them — and if necessary, he’s always willing to lend an ear to them about whatever it is they want to talk about. back home, you can usually find sarge hanging about in the housing area of the church’s grounds with a number of children clambering around him.
vinh: despite her cold demeanor with most people, she’s actually always quite warm and friendly to children. she’s very patient with them and often times finds that she has, accidentally taken another child under her wing in terms of protecting and guiding them. she can’t really help it.
xuehai: jerk to most (if not all), but not to kids. it’d be absolutely unforgivable to act out in the presence of children. he sees no reason in being so cruel to the innocent. he’s... not quite soft with them and can be a little overbearing and intimidating with them — but a proper prince should extend a hand to all citizens, especially those whom are vulnerable. in the polar crests, he’s been known to be fairly close to a number of children as he often leaves the castle to observe the city.
35. Has amazing hair
flint: it’s so... smooth. ignoring the blunt-cut look he’s got going, it’s literally so pleasant to the touch. he definitely picks up after his mother in terms of being a beauty. he doesn’t put as much thought into his hair as some of the other people in this list, but it’s still pretty damn nice.
marian: an oddly choppy hime-cut, but the quality of his hair is really nice. you can often times find marian himself fiddling with the tips of his hair because of how nice it is to touch. he pampers his hair quite a bit because he’s very fond of feeling clean and pretty, but he’s not exactly the most consistent person in the world.
ronaldo: a thick head of hair, good volume, strong roots — and it is well-kempt and cared for with a great variety of products. it sits somewhere on the line of being between straight and wavy, and if you were to touch it when his hair isn’t gelled yet, you’ll find that it’s really quite soft and fluffy.
sarge: wavy hair that’s got a bit of an uneven cut to it, but it sorta adds to the... dreamy charm of sarge. there’s a good amount of bounce and volume to his curls and they’re always so tidy, it’s almost unreal. it should be noted that a good amount of people have said that his hair smells like jasmine.
vinh: thick black hair, incredibly strong roots, pretty straight and well — it’s on fire. her fringe and bangs are relatively uneven, but that’s part of her charm, yeah? her hair is very well-cared for and has been said to be very silky. it’s been growing out for a very very long time, and if vinh were to fully extinguish herself, it would most certainly be an impressive length (that would certainly drag on the floor, if it were to not be braided extensively or held up.)
xuehai: it’s supposed to be black hair, but due to some... leyline mischief, it’s now white. his hair has strong roots and isn’t quite as thick as some of the others, but that doesn’t really matter. his hair is incredibly straight and is very well-cared for — he always makes sure to keep the tips of his hair trimmed straight as to ensure that he has no split-ends or dead hairs lingering about. aside from the little hair trimmings here and there — he has actually never cut his hair before (aside from his bangs and maintaining his signature braid)
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smilexcaptainx · 5 years ago
Park Incident | Ransom Drysdale
Wanna be part of my Imagines Tag List?
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Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Teen!Reader
Requested: Anonymous
Request: I have a test to study for but this idea popped into my mind and I thought of you immediately. I would love an imagine with Ransom Drysdale with a teen!reader where he’s been given the responsibility to watch over his little cousin (the reader) the two despise each other and constantly bicker at each other. Ransom takes her to a park and she runs away from him, only to run into trouble. Luckily, Ransom is there to save her in time, and soft Ransom shows and the reader teases him. OOF! THANKS ILY
A/N: I love you too and I hope you enjoy!
Warning(s): Language
Word Count: 1.8K
 This morning contained an abundance amount of time trying to get you to even step foot in the same house as your worst enemy, also known as your cousin, Ransom Drysdale. The two of you never got along ever since you were little, and the more you grew up, the worse it got. Ransom couldn't stand you because of the bratty attitude you always threw his way. He never wanted anything to do with you, and you felt the exact same toward him.
 Your mother thought that having Ransom watch over you while she went out with friends would draw you two closer, but it did the complete opposite. The very moment you entered the house and into the line of sight of Ransom, it was constant insults, offensive comments and humiliation at each other from there. Your mother always claimed that you and Ransom reminded her of her relationship she had with her father.
 Ransom would always take offense at that comment. He hated being mistaken as your father. He was your cousin and even calling you his cousin made him want to gag. He didn't want to be related to you period. Once your mother had left, you locked yourself into a bedroom upstairs and demanded that Ransom shouldn't even come near you. Hours passed and Ransom interrupted your relaxation time in your bedroom with a loud knock and request to go to the park.
 Coming from Ransom though, it was more of a command than a request. You had to admit, you didn't want to spend anytime with Ransom, but a headache was forming from staring at your phone for hours. You tossed your phone to the side and got out of bed. You walked up to your bedroom door and unlocked it. You swung it open and walked straight past Ransom without saying a word.
 Ransom sighed in annoyance and followed you down the stairs, telling you that you had to wear a jacket. You ignored him and continued your way to the door.
"Alright, listen here you little shit, you need to wear your damn jacket!"‌ ransom called out, picking up his speed after you. You placed your hand on the door knob, but Ransom got a hold of your shoulder and spun you around to face him. "You better get your damn jacket or I'm not taking you to the park."
 You knew Ransom wasn't going to leave you alone so you just did as he commanded, obviously with tons of complaints and trash talk regarding him while doing the task. Ransom opened the door once you had your jacket on and you two walked over to his car. Ransom expected you to sit in the passenger seat in the front, but you willingly took the back.
 The park had the sweet aroma of grass, just as you expected. You felt better being outside, you just wished that it wasn't with Ransom. You two walked side by side in complete silence. Ransom sat down at a bench that was nearby and you sat down beside him. Ransom pulled out his phone and started playing a game, as for you, you forgot your phone at the house.
"Why don't you go play in the jungle gym over there?" ransom asked, not even looking up from his phone. "You'll fit right in with those kids."
You rolled your eyes. "Anything to get away from you."
 You stood up and walked over to the jungle gym that held kids five and up. You were definitely the only teenager present. Once you made it to the park, you turned around and saw that your "guardian" wasn't even paying any attention to you. You took that as a sign that he didn't care, and decided to abandon the park and go look for something more exciting.
 Ransom didn't realize how much time had passed until a caller ID appeared on his phone. It was your mother. Ransom swiped answer.
"Have you and (Y/N) eaten yet?"
"No." ransom answered in a monotone. "Why?"
"Well, I promised her that you would take her to her favorite fast food restaurant," your mother spoke through the phone. Ransom rolled his baby blue eyes, as if he was supposed to know what it was. "I'm not going to tell you because you're going to have to find out through her."
"How is the park going for you two?"
"(Y/N) is just playing over at the jungle gym with other random devil children," ransom said, stretching his other arm that wasn't holding the phone. "I'm sure she's having the time of her life over there."
 Ransom stared at the jungle gym packed with crying kids, but the longer he gazed at the park, he didn't see the teenager that he brought with him to the park. Ransom's mouth slowly was gaping as your mother babbled words into Ransom's ear, you weren't there like he said you were.
"Ransom?" your mother's voice asked, pulling him back into reality. "Are you still there?"
 Ransom cut off your mother and slammed his finger on the hang up button. He shoved his phone into his pocket and flew up off his seat.
"(Y/N)!" ransom screamed out, jogging up toward the play area. "(Y/N)!‌ Where are you!"
 The adult ran through the jungle gym of little children, scaring some and making others think he was playing hide and go seek with someone named (Y/N). Ransom's head kept spinning, his eyes intensely searching for you and his mouth screaming your name. You weren't there. You were gone.
"That little shithead!" ransom shouted, ignoring the surprised gasps of the mothers in reaction. "(Y/N), I know you're out there somewhere!‌ I swear when I find you, I'm going to—"
 Ransom immediately fell silent when his ears caught the sound of a group of giggling girls. He snapped his head toward the sound and saw a group of girls surrounding something. He knew it was a long shot, but they seemed to be the only teenagers around, he thought they might know who you were, and if not, he wouldn't stop searching.
 Ransom started a light jog toward them, but his eyes noticed something when he got closer.‌ Through the little space between two girls, there was another girl on the ground, and he knew straightaway who it was. You were the one on the ground, and you seemed to be what the girls were laughing and giggling at. Ransom's blood boiled with anger through his and he picked up his speed.
"P-Please," you whimpered, your body shaking from all the pain coming at you at once. Kick after kick and getting drenched in their spit. You covered your head, hoping they wouldn't get to that part and your eyes were shut tightly. It was hell. "I-I'm s-sorry."
"You should be!" one of the girls spat. "You're just a—"
"Get your damn hands off of (Y/N)!" a familiar voice rang through the air. The kicks stopped, but you still didn't want to uncover yourself. You didn't feel safe yet. "That's my daughter you're beating up."
 Daughter? Could it be? Ransom had finally used that term on purpose? He said it so smoothly, so naturally, it rolled right off his tongue, it was as if he had always wanted to say it.
"Well, your daughter started it." a different voiced girl lied. "She was calling us words that I can't repeat."
"That's the biggest load of shit I've ever heard," ransom retorted sarcastically. "but it's not as big as the piece of shit I'm looking at right now."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard what I said," his eyes scanned all over the group of girls. "you all are pieces of shit. Now leave my daughter alone."
"And why should we do that?"
"Because if you don't," ransom took a step closer to the girl. "I'm going to be giving you and all the rest of your bitches the discipline you all didn't receive growing up."
The blond one of the group chortled. "You touch us and you're going to jail old man."
Ransom smirked. "Who said I was going to touch you?"
 A shriek poured out of the blonde one's mouth as you performed the action of the sweeping your leg at her feet. She fell backward on top of the brunette and it was domino falling from there. As they were all piled on top of each other, balling like a group of babies, you climbed up to your feet and jumped over them over to Ransom. His sly chuckle of amusement erupted from his lips as he ran off with you back to his car.
 Ransom hurried into the drivers seat and while he was buckling up, he saw something he thought would never happen. You got into the passenger seat. Ransom was so in thought, he didn't realize where he was until you looked at him.
"Ransom!"‌ you called out. "GO!"
 Ransom blinked and whipped back forward, shoving his keys into the car. He slammed his foot on the pedal and you both were off. Not even a few minutes passed and you exploded into laughter.
"I can't believe that just happened," you laughed joyfully. "those girls always torment me at school, but now," you smiled. "now they'll fear me knowing that you're my father—" you paused as that word came out of your mouth. "I um, I mean—er, cousin."
"Around them, it's father," ransom assured. "I'm glad that we were able to escape in time though. I‌ didn't want to get attacked with teenage girls mother's shoes," ransom said. "not again."
You chuckled at that memory. "I remember that." A comfortable silence fell in the car, soon being broken by you again. "The thing is, the Ransom I know would have left me to get beat up. Hell, he would have even joined them on beating me up." you thought out loud. "Why save me Ransom?"
"Because you're still my little cousin (Y/N)," ransom answered, his grasp on the steering wheel hardening. "and seeing them do that to you...It sparked something in me I've never felt toward you before."
"No (Y/N)," ransom replied, a small eye roll following after. "the feeling that it hurt me seeing you get hurt. I mean, it physically hurt me."
 You knew that word would put silence in the car, and it did, but Ransom soon replied.
"Yes (Y/N)." ransom confessed. "I...I love you okay? I couldn't bear seeing those girls—"
"I love you too Ransom," you said quickly, hoping it was fast enough for him not to understand it. "I'm also sorry for all those days I was a complete asshole to you. I guess I never really thought you liked me, but after that whole situation, it's clear that you do."
 Ransom didn't respond with any words but with a nod. You nodded toward him and then looked out the window. The urge of calling him one more word soon came to mind You slowly turn your head toward Ransom with a mischievous smirk spreading across your lips.
"No." ransom scolded, pointing his finger at you. "That is not going to become a thing."
"Whatever you say," you said with a shrug. "Dad."
The End
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Credit goes to the owner.
Tag List:
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teenyfish · 4 years ago
Marine Biology Story of the Day #14
So…it’s been a while.  
I don’t know if anyone else is dealing with crippling anxiety, but I sure am right now.  It’s just one of the joys of being a liberal scientist living deep in a rural red state. You literally can’t escape the Trump Fuckers down here, it’s everywhere you look. Hell, I can’t even sit in my living room without seeing our neighbors dumb flag flying on their flag pole or be forced to watch one of these weird boat parades that have been popping up everywhere lately.
I’m tired.  I’m scared. But I’m also 100% over this shit.
So, instead, I’m trying to pour myself into my work.  And I want to put quality content on this blog, and I’ve just been procrastinating on it for weeks because I want whatever I write, whatever I tell you about to be good enough for the reblogs, but tbh, that’s not the point of this.  The point of this is teach people about the scientific process and how REAL research is done.  It’s a ton of work, it’s usually monotonous, and there’s a lot of writing and editing involved.
That being said, I officially, after 3+ years of work, have my first manuscript accepted into a peer reviewed journal.
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If you had asked me 4 years ago if I had thought I would ever be published. I would have said no.  And that is because the place I was working for chipped away at my confidence so completely that I thought I wasn’t worthy of working in this field.  Academia be like that sometimes.
But now I’ve started working for Texas Parks and Wildlife, which in most ways has been a dream (minus living in small town nowhere America, see complaints above).  The organization is actually really awesome to work for and I have so much more leeway when it comes to designing my own projects and working on things that I actually WANT to work on.  Not to mention, my boss is awesome and is super supportive.  
So today, I think I’ll talk about a study that I just wrapped up lab and field work for in September.  I’m currently working on the data analysis at the moment.
SOOOO TPWD developed a huge stock enhancement program back in the 1980’s when they noticed that the population of a popular game fish, red drum, was on the decline.  Stock enhancement basically means they breed adult wild red drum, they allow the eggs to hatch and rear the larval fish to a size deemed big enough that they can release them into Texas estuaries to help bolster the population.  Red drum stocks have actually improved since this this hatchery program was implemented.
Red drum are gorgeous charismatic predators, and they get the drum name from the sound they use to communicate. Check out the sound here. 
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Part of my job is to figure out how to make the hatchery program better through wet lab experimentation.  Basically, the questions I try to answer are: How do we grow these fish faster, with least amount of mortality, and with the best, robust fish?
So, when I first got here, I found two issues with our red drum hatchery program.  1) Fingerlings (very young juvenile fish) are released at a very small size of 35 mm. INTO THE WILD. Now, the size of a fish is very directly tied to their mortality…larger fish experience less predation and have better metabolisms to deal with temperature and salinity changes, which leads us to the second problem 2) The hatchery program releases red drum at times opposite of when these juvenile fish would actually be present in the wild. Red drum spawn offshore in early winter, and the baby fish move into bays Dec-Mar…but we release OUR hatchery fingerlings Mar-Nov.  The reason for this is because we don’t want the hatchery fish to compete with wild red drum, which makes sense, but we are introducing these fish to a wide range of temperatures and salinities.  As you know, Texas is hot as fuck in the summer and salinity in some bay systems is classified as hypersaline lagoons, which is almost like pure brine (this is due to hot temps evaporating water from the bays and leaving salt behind).
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Now fish, as “cold blooded” animals, don’t make their own heat, so their metabolism is controlled by environmental temperatures.  All fish have an optimal temperature for growth, in which their growth rate is the highest, and then their growth and metabolism starts to decline toward their critical thermal maximum (CTM) in which their metabolism just starts shutting down and they die.  This is why temperature is so important in fish biology, and larger fish typically have higher CTMs an therefore better survival.
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(an example of how metabolism is impacted by temp.  In this case, optimal temp is around 20 degrees Celsius, and CTM is around 23-25 degrees Celsius)
So how did I test this?  Well, I chose body size and “Season” as my two variables—I chose Spring (May), Summer (August), and Autumn (November) to see how the temperature and salinity of our local bay system would impact fish growth.  And, within each season, I tested both a small size class (35 mm and under) and a large size class (36 mm and over) to see how initial body size upon release would impact the fishes’ growth.  
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(diff b/w two size classes)
I ran these trials in my wet lab with sea water pumped in from our coastal bay system and I would adjust temperature daily to reflect the water temperatures recorded from the bay.  I would receive hatchery fish that were ready for “release”, tag them, measure and weigh them, and then release them into their experimental tanks (if you want to learn more about how I tagged them, check out this post).  I had one tank with small fish, and one tank with larger fish, because if they were mixed it’s likely that the big fish would cannibalize the smaller fish. The fish lived in these faux habitats for 21 days, and I would remove mortalities (dead fish) daily.  They were fed 10% of their body weight to keep up with the estimated 0.1 g/day growth rate described in the literature.  
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At the end of each study, I removed all fish, measured and weighed them again, and read their tags.  Once I knew what fish they were, I could match them up with their start weights and get an idea of their growth rate over the 21 days.  
So, the data analysis is still a work in progress, and I’m going to run some more complex models, but here are some of my preliminary results.
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First, here is our survival of fish for each trial.  Like I said, fish did die before the end of the trial (young fish tend to do that), and this graph basically shows that overall, the larger size class had much better survival than small, especially during warmer months.  
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This figure basically shows the CHANGE in length (x axis) vs the CHANGE in weight (y axis) of the smaller size class (above) and the larger size class (below).  I’ve scaled the figures so the axis have the exact same scale.  The colors/shapes of the dots represent the “Season” of the trial (Autumn, Spring, or Summer).  You can see that the large size classes had a much greater change in growth across all trials, and had the greatest growth during summer. 
So this is just the beginning of data analysis, I want to do a more in depth look at temperature, size, and salinity in statistical modeling, but this is kind of the preliminary lay out of the data.  Basically what I think this data is telling me is that we need to release fish at larger initial release sizes, because they have much better survival and growth compared to fish with smaller initial release sizes.
And the whole goal of the hatchery program is to make sure our fish survive in the wild.
If you want to take a peep at my accepted journal article, I’ll make sure to post a link when the article actually comes out online. The journal I submitted to (Marine and Coastal Fisheries) is an open access journal so everybody should be able to read it FO FREE.  Next post I will be outlining another hatchery program study that I am excited to be working on in the near future (hint, it’s gonna involve flounder metamorphosis, which is a real bizarre process).
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to comment or contact me!
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bloomeng · 5 years ago
MDZS/Hogwarts au Headcanons
This au is a classic, but per usual I have opinions so here we go. (Also let’s pretend we do not see you know who)
All the patronuses are based on the official list and descriptions (I’ll leave the link below).
Wei Wuxian:
Do I even need to make an arguement for this??
Patronus: Crow or Dolphin (I genuinely can’t decide)
Has friends in all houses and floats around among the tables in the great hall
Has been in all the houses common rooms tho
Probably good at most subjects, but he is amazing at defense against the dark arts
Definitely plays Quidditch, and is definitely the seeker too
Y’know typical over-achiver, star of the show, but without really trying
Steals books from the resticted section, not because he wants to read them, just because he was told they were off limits
He also steals food from the kitchen on his way back from the Hufflepuff common room (visiting Yanli ofc)
Is the kid that looses all of the points for his house, which means he also has most of the names in trophy room memorized (just from the sheer amount of time he’s had to clean them in detention)
Curfew is more of a suggestion, in his opinion nightime is the best time to roam the castle
He’s ended up in the hospital wing so many times that he basically has a bed reserved
Jiang Cheng:
Between the loyalty, courage, ambition to “attempt the impossible,” and secret heart of gold, he could rival wwx’s Gryffindor spirit
Patronus: Chow Dog
Grumpily follows around during his misadeventures to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself
Or rather he’s the one who drags wwx’s ass to the hospital wing when he does hurt himself
Only one out of the trio (wwx, nhs, jc) who actaully studies
Hates divination, thinks it’s all a hoax, and it bugs the crap out of him that nhs actually belives in it
Is the captain of the Quidditch team, started as a chaser but now he’s the keeper
Was chosen to be a prefect
His favorite perk is the fancy bathtub, which nhs has definitely bribed him to gain access to
Shares his dorm with wwx, and he’s always complaining how he has to drag him out of bed
Lan Wangji:
He do be out here being super creative with that Guqin, and also owning our asses with his intelligence
Patronus: Wild Rabbit
I’d estimate that he spent 90% of the first 3 years of school in the library
Insert intense glaring at wwx as he tries to sneak into the restricted section
Somehow missed that wwx played Quidditch until his brother dragged him to a game
Needless to say he never missed a Gryffindor game after that
Somehow he managed to score one point off of a perfect grade on his OWL
Y’all already know he’d be a prefect, do I even need to say it
His favorite place in the castle is the window seat in Ravenclaw tower
Pretends to protest wwx sneaking into his common room
Imagine: Wangxian Hogsmeade dates and wwx trying to get him to wear his Quidditch jersey
Lan Xichen:
Although I feel like you could make a strong case for Ravenclaw, but the compassion and open-mindedness wins out
Patronous: White Swan
Professors love him, even Snape manages to tolerate him, probably by his 5th year he’s friends with half his professors
His favorite class is herbology but he’s also really good at charms and transfiguration
Owns an owl that he shares with his brother that he named something dumb like “Harold”
Has the Daily Prophet delievered every morning, and always thanks “Harold”
He grew up in a pure blood family so he is fascinated by muggle culture, and he is constantly asking jgy questions
Once jgy shared music from his ipod (yknow like one of the og ipods) and it blew his mind
Probably tried to help the house elves in the kitchen at some point, but was kicked out because he caused more damage then actual help
Somehow he was made a prefect in his fourth year???
He just roots for the under dog in Quidditch games, which often leads to a friendly competition between he and his brother (Gryffindor is never the underdog, not with wwx and jc on the team)
Nie Huaisang:
Again do I even need to make a case for this???
Patronus: Sparrow
Doesn’t even try and hide the fact that he let’s wwx and jc into the Slytherin common room
Often sits at the Gryffindor table because he wants to sit with wwx and jc
Instead of studying, he is constantly trying to find ways to cheat by designing bewitched items
By his 7th year he has his own business selling his cheats
His favorite class is divination, everyone assumes it’s because he’s a believer, but in reality he finds the subject hilarious and he’s amazed how a scam can go so far as to have a full educational class dedicated to it
Forged his brother’s signature on the Hogsmeade form, because Mingjue told him he wasn’t allowed to go if he was failing a class
Can’t fly a broom for the life of him
Barely passed his OWLS
In general he’s far more concerned with gossip and playing match-maker then doing any of this school work (who do you think told lxc to bring lwj to a Gryffinsor Quidditch game??)
(My monkey Xiyao controled brain likes to think that he’s been trying to set the two of them up for years, but that might just be me)
Jin Guangyao:
AGAIN do I really need to explain my thought process on this??? He’s cunning and manipulative, case closed, I do not take critism
Patronus: Grass Snake
Struggles in conjouring magic, but makes up for it in written work and testing
In general he works very hard and is most likely top of his class, despite the lack of natural ability
His favorite class is potions, because it’s simply a matter of following directions
The first friend he made was lxc after realizing as first years that they had really similar class schedules and decided to study together
His mother was a muggle, and thus he was raised in the muggle world, so there’s a lot of prejudice from his housemates
Every once in awhile he’ll quietly ask lxc to explain something about the wizarding world
To the annoyance of his house, he was made a prefect
Somewhere along the way he befriended nhs
The relationship dynamic is as follows: jgy forces nhs to study, while nhs forces him to come with him to Hogsmeade (mainly so that he doesn’t have to pay for his own food)
Jiang Yanli:
She’s just so sweet, compassionate, and kind not to be a Hufflepuff
Patronus: Doe
Her favorite classes are Herbology and Care for Magical Creatures
She’s really good with animals
She read that you were allowed to bring an animal and immediately went out to buy a cat
Buys wwx snacks on the Hogwarts Express, even though she made him lunch
She brought a phonograph and a collection of records from home, and set it up in the common room
No one knows where it came from, but people started to slowly add to the collection of records
Now the common room is just constantly filled with music
Lxc knows it was her, but he didn’t see the harm in letting it stay, so he let it be (plus he also enjoys music)
She goes to Quidditch games and roots for Gryffindor despite... not being in Gryffindor (she’s a supportive sister)
Spent most of her 4th year stopping wwx from fighting Jin Zixuan (the year before she started dating him)
She really do be living the cliche dream of the Hufflepuff/Slytherin relationship
Jin Zixuan:
He’s the typical pompous, preppy, asshole, that people assiociate with Slytherins
Patronus: Peacock
The first thing he did when he got to Hogwarts was set up his side of the dorm room to make it more up to his “standards”
His dad tried to convince him to play Quidditch, but he refused
Basically ignores jgy’s existence.... even though they’re in the same house
Loathes herbology because it requires getting his hands dirty
Is racist(?) towards muggleborns
He always has a mob of girls surrounding him at all times, yet doesn’t know how to properly process his own feelings for Yanli
I’d say he’s trying his best but that would be a lie, he thinks he’s doing the most though
He takes school very seriously, and he scored pretty well on his OWLS
One time in potions something went wrong and his potion blew up in his face quite literally, and wwx hasn’t let him live that down
Xue Yang:
He is bad man grrrrrr and a sly bastard, so ofc he’s the house of snek
Patronus: Weasel
Everyone hates him, his professors, his housemates, even the ghosts avoid him
Except Peeves, in fact Peeves love him
Probably because he’s constantly messing with people
He’s the only person to rival wwx’s detention record
He is fantastic at defense against the dark arts
He likes to mess with Trelawney by purposely making death omens in his readings
He just doesn’t do assignments, yet does really well on exams and passes???
Snape would vouch for him, that’s the vibe I get
He plays as a beater on his Quidditch team, and he’s known for knocking people out
Xiao Xingchen:
He’s kind, selfless, and is always trying to see the good in people, which screams Hufflepuff
Patronus: Dragonfly
Is really good with charms
Even though he’s of age, he hates appariting and will do a lot to avoid it
Runs group study sessions, with the help of sl
A big activist in freeing house elves working for old families
Stops to have full conversations with the paintings
Is the only person in the school that tries to be friendly to Xue Yang
Song Lan:
He seems to have that very principled and intelligent nature of a Ravenclaw
Patronus: Dun Stallion
He doesn’t really have a lot of friends outside of xxc, but he doesn’t seem to mind
He’s that one person who actually enjoys professor Binns’ History of Magic class
He lets xxc drag him to Hogsmeade, even though the crowded shops make him uncomfortable
Shh it’s a secret but he also has a major sweet tooth and he will buy a shit ton of candy
Because of his scary amount of knowledge of Hogwarts and its history, he managed to find the room of requirement
So he and xxc end up moving their study sessions there when their group size outgrows the library
Anyway that’s all for now, but if you have a request be sure to ask!
Anyway I’m proud of the patronus choices I made for these, mostly. I know that it’s inevitable that someone will disagree with the house placements, so just note that these are purely my opinons.
Patronus info link:
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isitkpop · 5 years ago
Tear Down
Member: The Boyz Kevin
Female Reader
WARNING: Mentions of violence and a few broken bones. A little bit of curing.
Prompt Used and Credit: Prompt #1037 - “Why? Why are you doing this?”
The villain only shrugged. “When I was five, I told my mother I wanted to be king of the world, and she told me I couldn’t amount to anything, let alone rule. It’s incredibly satisfying to spite bad parents.”
Credit: @promptsforthestrugglingauthor
The genius, Moon Hyungseo. Always top of his class, on time, precise, never failed to put a smile on people’s faces whenever he greeted them a good morning, or a simple hello. He’s a good student at his Uni and nobody dares to upset that reputation. He was too good for this world that he puts the biggest number one hero to shame. Nothing could tear down his domain of resolve. However.
He clicked his tongue in frustration as he stared at the newspaper headlines. ‘Supervillain Kevin crushed again by our number one hero Griffin!’ He wanted to crumple it and chuck the damn thing out of the library window. But he remembered his current injury in his side. He felt the wrappings were loose. So, he threw the paper back to the middle of the table and quickly headed to the single restroom so that he could be alone. He was in a lot of pain. He went up to the mirror and took off his blazer to lift his under shirt. “Dammit.” The wrappings were starting to lose their grip. He gently unwrapped his bandages to reveal the damage of a large bruise on his side from the broken rib.
He carefully wrapped himself back up and took in a deep breath and continue his day. He had a shit ton of studying to do when he get’s back to the apartment and he does not want to stall that any longer than he already has. His tracks and thought process was soon stopped by a woman tripping in front of him and practically face planting the concrete.
He wanted to snicker, but he knew that, that had to hurt a lot. He watched as she sat up and held her knee and shin. She looked around until she caught his eyes staring at her. “Y-You saw that?” He could only nod. He knew her. They had a couple of classes together last semester. She’s known to be quite clumsy. “Well? Could you help me up? My leg hurts a lot.”
This was not his forte, but he should humor the woman a little bit. He placed his bag down and walked over and held his hand out. “How did a trip like that hurt your whole leg?”
She grabbed his hand and he helped pull her up. “U-Uh, I tripped up the front stairs yesterday and hit my shin on the edge on the stair as I fell.”
He knew she was lying. It came with the many other powers he attains. But he won’t question. “That must have hurt a lot. I hate it when that happens.” He helped steady her. “Better? Do you think you can walk home?”
“Oh! No thanks. It’s just that building behind you. Thanks for helping me out. Bye!” He watched her walk a little bit just fine, with a little limp, but she was managing.
Studying was indeed a pain.
The next day, his wound healed perfectly fine. He tested his arm movements and did a few side-stretches to test the healed wound and felt no strain at all. He checked his calendar on his phone. Today was Saturday. Been a few days since then. Maybe a little trouble won’t hurt. He grabbed his duffle by the door and headed out.
Griffin was out on patrol at this hour of the day. He knew she would appear near him soon. He smirked to himself. Last time he fought her; he found a weakness. A vital one at that. He dug around in his duffle and pulled out the bracelet he crafted after the hell of studying he did. The black band of metal forged with a darkness only he could muster up. Something that could deplenish her and deem her useless.
The crowd gathering could only mean that she was near and everybody was just trying to catch a glimpse of the almighty Griffin. Damn fire breather. Time to learn a lesson about kicking people in their sides. About time I win this. He placed the bracelet in the pouch hooked on his side and proceeded through the crowd to find the hot head in the middle. Showing the kids a few fire tricks, she was able to do for entertainment.
Kevin scowled. He focused a little bit of power in his legs and hoped over the crowd to land in the middle with a perfect landing. “Hello~ Griffin.” He smirked when she quickly moved herself to shield the kids. He held up his hands. “Come now. I’m not that low to hurt kids. I’m actually here for you.”
“Why’s that? Want another broken rib?” She knew how to get under his skin.
But he too gave her a fair share of injuries. “How is that thigh of yours doing? Your whole leg should have been hurting when I punched you.”
“Why are you here for me?”
“Ah. Just wanted to play a little.”
She wasted no time to listen to his excuse and charged with all she could. Fire at her feet and flame coating her knuckles, ready to punch the lights out of him, but he knew this move all too well. He quickly sidestepped out of the way and with a dark energy blast to her side and she was blasted into the side of a building. He figured out her pattern during their last few fights and knew how to counter this time. He approached her faltering form. “You can’t do that with me anymore. I figured you out.” He squatted in front of her. “Now,” He pulled the bracelet out and held it in front of her face. “a little gift from me to you.” He gripped her wrist and pulled her arm towards him to slip the bracelet on.
The purple glow started to grow from the bracelet onto her whole body and she groaned as the bracelet sucked out her power. “W-what is this? What did you do to me?”
“This little guy is depleting your power from you. You won’t be able to use your powers anymore. You also can’t take the bracelet off now.”
“Why? Why are you doing this?”
Kevin stood up and stared down at the powerless hero. “When I was five, I told my mother I wanted to be king of the world, and she told me I couldn’t amount to anything, let alone rule.” Kevin chuckled and smirked down at Griffin. “It’s incredibly satisfying to spite bad parents.”
He watched as the useless hero tried to stand up but crumbled at his feet. “The w-world is not yours to rule.” He rose a brow as he watched her struggle to stand again. Managing to at lest prop a knee up. “The world,” He started to sweat as he watched her slowly test her weight on her one leg. “belongs to the people.” She was standing tall now and his resolve was tumbling down.
Griffin gripped her mask and tore the material off to reveal her face to him. His eyes widened. It was Y/n. The clumsy woman who was always tripping over everything. The woman who was average at school. The one who he held a crush on since last year. The one her hurt so many times.
The one who he took the powers away and was about to finish her off.
He gripped his chest as his heart started racing and aching at the same time. This was too much to take in. His own mask started to make him feel so suffocated. But he will never show his face to her. The bracelet on her wrist was ugly on her. He felt disgusted.
“You will never take it. I won’t allow it!” She screamed into the air. Steam coming from her skin as the air heated up around her. She made the steam blast out and knocked him back off his feet. He tried to stand back up, but she was too quick for him. The punch to the face was boiling hot and knocked him right into a car, knocking the breath out of him and caused him to fall to the ground heaving. He couldn’t stand.
He felt her energy and saw her looming over him the bracelet all cracked and not glowing anymore.  She grabbed him by his top and pulled him up to her face and she unmasked him and threw the cover over her shoulder. She stared into his eyes for a second before they widened, and he was suddenly dropped. “Moon Hyungseo?”
He chocked and took in a deep breath. “Y-Yeah.” His face stung and his lungs ached. He felt like a subway train was dropped on him. Black dots were started to appear in his vision. “You did quit a number on me Y/n. Did I make you angry?” He tried to laugh but started to have a coughing fit instead.
He looked up at her and saw confusion and sadness. “Why? Hyungseo, why? You are the top student! The man everybody loves. Why are you like this?” He watched her fall to her knees. “I hated Kevin! How could you?” He watched as tears started to well up. “Hyungseo. I liked you. How could you do something like this? Is there somebody else? There has to be somebody brain-washing you.”
Hyungseo dragged himself closer to her and cupped her cheek with his good hand and wiped a stray tear. “No. There’s nobody else. It’s just me. I’m sorry. I hurt you so much Y/n. You shouldn’t cry for someone like me. Please, be strong for this city. No. For this world.”
The sirens were getting closer. He had to get out of there. He picked himself up begrudgingly. “Wait. No! I have many questions!”
He shook his head at her. Taking one last look at Y/n before he must go into hiding for a while. He has a lot of thinking to do. “Take care of yourself, Griffin. I’ll see you again.” He used all the power he could to vanish himself to safety.
He crumbled at the top of the skyscraper and hissed at the major aches going on all over him. “This will take a while to heal.” He looked up at the blue sky and took a little time to feel the breeze and focus on the major injuries to instantly heal those and let the smaller nonthreatening ones heal on their own. He sighed as he stood up and grabbed his duffle bag. “Guess I have to turn myself in now.”
He thought about Y/n in her Griffin costume. He had to admit, she was hot in that outfit now that he knows it’s her. He snickered at his own little unintentional joke. He looked at his almost tattered costume. He laughed. “You ruined my favorite one.” He thought about it and chuckled to himself. “Turning myself in will have to wait. I have unfinished business with Miss. Griffin now.”
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xiaojusaur · 6 years ago
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Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Oral, penetration, dirty talk
Word Count: 2.2K
Description: Your boyfriend Namjoon is trying to help you study for a Philosophy class, your parents are giving you a hard time as they think you’re too distracted with your boyfriend, and they aren’t wrong because, after a fight with your mom, you relax by being under him.
“Ugh! Nothing gets in! I’m going to fail!” you said as you crashed your head on the books.
You had a big test next week and nothing seemed to get stuck in your mind. Your parents were already giving you a hard time because they said it was your boyfriend’s fault.
Like any parents, they thought you spent more time with your boyfriend in your dorm than studying. That wasn’t completely true, but neither false. You did spend a lot of time with him but he also helped you to study. He was a brain! There was nothing in this world he couldn’t understand. So you did what you thought was the solution: you called your superhero, Kim Namjoon. “Hey babe, are you busy?” You said with a frustrated voice. “Baby, are you alright? You sound like you’re about to cry,” he said concerned. “I don’t understand anything about this philosophy class and I have a test next week. Can you come and explain it a little?” You said almost whining. “Of course darling, let me gather a few things and I’ll go there okay?”
When he arrived you were still reading to understand the stuff. “Hey baby,” he said as he placed both of his hands on your shoulders. “Finally!” You celebrated standing from your chair and giving him a big hug. He eyed the pile of books and papers and started to get overwhelmed. “Okay, let’s see this. What is that you don’t understand?” You looked at him with a poker face “Nothing?” He just laughed, “Okay, let me see.” He sat by the desk and started reading everything. After understanding what was the material he then said “Babe, this is easy! Come here,” he said slapping his thighs for you to sit on his lap. 
He was explaining so well, you were starting to understand when your phone interrupted you. The screen shined with “MOM” written on it. You rolled your eyes because you knew what it was about. 
“Yes mom?” you said kinda annoyed.
“What is that tone, missy? What are you doing?” she was about to scold you.
“I’m studying for a Philosophy test, why?”
“You better be and I hope that good for nothing boyfriend of yours isn’t there. You’re losing your focus and I’m worried. I pay your college for you to have a good future but if you keep living on a honeymoon with that boy I’m afraid you’re going nowhere,” she said barely breathing between sentences. You couldn’t believe she was calling to scold you about your boyfriend.
Namjoon saw the fury in your eyes and he started caressing your back so you would calm down. 
“Mom, he is helping me to understand because this class is difficult and it happens that he is a mastermind in this kind of topic. Stop saying he’s good for nothing because he actually knows a lot of stuff, he has been a great help. If it was not for him, I would be failing a lot of classes so you should be grateful. I’m not about to argue with you in the middle of a great deal of stress, mom. So if you called to bother me, I’m asking you respectfully to leave me alone.” Your boyfriend was shocked by the way you talked to your mom, but you were done with her pettiness. 
  “Y/N,” she said more calmed now, “I only want what’s best for you. I’m concerned as your mother, on how you are wasting away your future. I don’t even know this guy and you don’t even come home anymore just to spend more time with him. What are you doing with your life?”
You placed your hand on your forehead in frustration. “Mom, I’m doing okay and I will do okay, nothing is going to happen to me. Namjoonie is actually a good guy. We will visit soon and you will meet him so you could see the great guy he is. Now, if you’d excuse me, I need to study. I’ll call you later.”
You hung up and crashed on your bed, grunting in anger and frustration. Your boyfriend looked back at you and said “What was that about? Your parents hate me?”
“My mom thinks I’m wasting away my time with you and not studying,” you explained while rolling on the bed to face him.
“I mean... we do spend a lot of time together,” he said as he walked to the bed to lay down with you. 
“Yeah but we do study together,” you said.
“Babygirl, maybe your mom is concerned. If it was me I would be as concerned. Think about this: she has no idea of who I am, how I look, or what I do. She must be thinking about your safety, about your future and thinking about her daughter being with a totally random guy must scare her tons. Put yourself in her shoes.” This is why you loved him, he always thought about what others could think or feel. You hated he was right. 
You pouted childishly and said, “You’re right. How about we make plans to go visit them this weekend?”
“That sounds great, I would love to meet your family.” He smiled and you just wanted to shower him with kisses, he was so adorable sometimes. He placed his arm over your shoulders and you laid your head on his chest. You were like that for a while but then you felt the urge to kiss his long neck, so you started pecking him there. 
He had his eyes closed but he wasn’t asleep. He murmured “Baby, you know what that does to me, don’t get me started.” But you had no intentions of stopping, so you giggled and continued giving him butterfly kissed on his neck, this time adding gentle nibbles. 
“Babygirl, behave,” he warned you. He still had his eyes closed and you just wanted attention. 
“Mmmm, but I need attention,” you whined. 
“You always need attention,” he complained.
“Of course, cause I’m like Tinkerbell, if I don’t receive the required attention I might die.”
He chuckled and finally, opened his eyes. “You’re so needy sometimes. Come here,” he said as he rolled on the bed to get on top of you. 
He gave you a tender kiss but it quickly turned to a passionate make out. Your hands wrapped around his neck and he made you arch your back a little to tangle his around your waist, bring you closer to him. 
Namjoon was the smartest man you ever knew, he also was the hottest in bed. There was something so intimate about the way his hands would glide over your whole body, not letting any part untouched. He had you addicted to the feeling. 
“Mmm...” he hummed, separating himself from your lips, “Are we really about to get on it again?”
“I can’t get enough of you,” you confessed in a whisper, pulling him to you to kiss him again.
“I’m out of condoms babe,” he said trying to free himself from your arms.
“Lucky you, I have some in the drawer,” you winked.
“You naughty girl! I like it...” he smirked.
“Make me yours, Joonie,” you whispered in his ear with the sultriest voice you could use.
“Fuck...” he sighed, “Come here babygirl.” He sat on the bed, pulling you with him. His lips attached to your neck, licking, nibbling, sucking. His hands roaming on your back, trying to get your t-shirt off and when he finally did, he was amazed as the first time he saw you all naked for him. You remembered that time, it just sorta happened. You two were innocently studying when you accidentally brushed his member. Apparently, he had a long time without sex because that thing went on full power instantly. He was amazed by your breasts, as he is now too.
“I can’t get over of how perfect your body is,” he whispered in your ear, giving you instant goosebumps.
“Please Joon,” you whined impatiently. He laid you down on the mattress again, kissing you, groping your left breast. His mouth ran from your mouth to your jawline, your neck and then his tongue made a trail from there to your nipple, which he surrounded with his perfect lips. He liked it and then sucked, letting it go with a pop, a heavy sigh escaping from your lips.
He got lower on your torso, kissing and licking from your navel to the hem of your panties, where he stopped to pull them off you. You felt how the were sticky with your arousal already. His groan confirmed it, “So wet for me already. You must truly like me huh?”
“I love you Joon,” you said caressing his hair, encouraging him to get closer to where you needed him most.
“Fuck, is glistening so much...” he said under his breath and then his head was between your legs and his tongue between your folds. His wet muscle moved gently but firmly, giving you the perfect amount of pressure. You gasped of pleasure, pulling his hair instinctively. “Shit! Joonie!”
“You like it when I lick here?” He ran his tongue over your swollen clit and you hissed in response. “Fuck, you’re so ready.” He gave you one last long lick and then kneeled on the bed. He took off his shirt and unbuttoned his pants. Apparently, he was as impatient as you. He walked to your nightstand drawer and fished for a condom there. He took his boxers, letting you see his glistening tip, dark and standing proudly, waiting to get inside you.
“Babe you’re so hard,” you hissed and he chuckled, “Only for you babygirl.” He opened the tinfoil pack and rolled the thing down his length. Climbing on the bed again, kneeling between your legs he said “Gimme those beautiful legs baby,” with the proudest smirk on his face, you just had to laugh. But you obeyed and raised your legs, as he placed them on his shoulders. From there you knew he was going to be fast but definitely hard.
His tip entered you slowly, still not used to the stretch. He went deeper and deeper until he was balls deep. You released a moan when he pulled out to enter you again, his breathing was shaky and you loved it. He had your hands pinned on the mattress once he got the pace he wanted. “Ouuuu, Joonie,” you moaned in a groggy voice, he hummed in response.
“So tight for me always, fuck! how I love this pussy.” You loved when he talked dirty to you. He got faster when he said this, the sound of clapping constantly on the room. You couldn’t scream much since you had neighbors and they could report what was happening, but you moaned only for him.
“Look at those breasts jumping, fuck! So hot, you’re hot.” He kept thrusting at a fast pace, trying to make you reach your high. “Joon, baby, touch my clit”. You knew that was the key to your orgasm and he did too, he was just taking his time.
He wetted his thumb with his saliva and then started rubbing your bundle of nerves. You felt like you were going to explode. You hissed and moaned “Fuck... yes!” He just smiled proudly because he knew how good he was making you feel. You started twisting, letting him know you were close, but he already knew. “You wanna cum? You’re clenching me, babe,” he said panting and you just nodded frantically.
“Cum for me babygirl, come on,” he grunted, now hitting you as hard as he could. That thing inside you started to get full and with one last stroke of his thumb, you exploded, seeing stars behind your eyelids. “Ohh.... yes... Joonie!” You were completely numb by the feeling, but you knew he wasn't done.
“So pretty, so fucking pretty every time you cum around me like that. Ugh! I’m gonna cum baby,” he panted, bringing you back to reality. He hugged you, without stopping, his thrusts were stuttering already. He kissed your cheek and then snuggled his head on the crook of your neck, his ear right beside your mouth.
“So good Joonie, you’re so good. Gosh! I don’t want another cock in me,” you moaned, praising him to help him cum.
He moaned, the sound you always loved, as he wasn’t that vocal when you were intimate. The next second passed so fast and then he was cumming, grunting, groaning, not stopping until the last drop was out of him.
He then plopped on top of you and you just started caressing his bare back. He closed his eyes, trying to rest a little and you started playing with his hair. He mumbled, “I love you so much.” You smiled and said back “I love you too.”
“We should keep studying. I’m really a distraction,” Namjoon said as he slipped his pants on again.
“You’re a good distraction,” you smirked.
“Stop being a perv and focus!” He laughed.
You really couldn’t wait until your parents meet him. You knew your dad would love him, your mom probably was going to overreact but in the end she would love him too.
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